Chapter Three

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Zayn is still sleeping when they land and, though, the boys don't want to they know they have to wake him up. Which is why Liam currently finds himself crouched in front of the couch gently rubbing the boy's belly while Harry woke Louis, and Niall began to put away all the toys.

"Zee, Zaynie, time to wake up," Liam coos now brushing the boy's hair out of his face. After another minute or two, Zayn's eye finally flutter open as he releases a big yawn. "Morning, babe. We just landed and we got to get to the car, so come on, on your feet please."

And much to the surprise of Liam, Zayn cooperates immediately, though sleepily. So now the five lads are making their way down the airplane stairs and over to an awaiting escalade that was hired to take them to their countryside home. Once all the suitcases were packed in the trunk, the five piled into the car where once again Louis and Zayn immediately fell asleep, and Liam, Harry, and Niall decided to go over the new rules that they will instill for Zayn.

After about an hour and half car ride, they are finally pulling up to a two story home with a huge yard surrounding it, and much to the luck of the boys as they pull into the house Louis and Zayn seem to wake up.

"We here yet, daddy?" Louis yawns while stretching out his arms a bit.

"Yeah we just got here, boobear. Want to help me bring in a couple bags?" Harry asks the boy in a gentle voice to which Louis nods in return as he begins to climb out. Niall quickly follows after the two and now Liam is helping Zayn out of the seat and onto the ground since he's still trying to wake up slightly.

"Alright boys, we'll explore the house in a little bit for now why don't we get some yummies in our tummies?" Harry coos as they enter the rather large house.

"Yeah daddy! Food, food, food!" Louis chants while running to go find the kitchen along with Niall.

"What about you, Zee? You want some food?" Harry asks slightly quieter but the younger boy just shrugs. Harry decides to take it as a yes as he guides the boy into the kitchen where he immediately begins to make some cheese toasties for the lot of them.

After fifteen minutes of cooking, Harry is passing out plates consisting of ham and cheese toasties with a side of cut up watermelon and a handful of crisps. Everyone happily eats their food while making a bit of small talk before Liam takes notice of Zayn and his practically full plate.

"Zee, you've got to eat, babe," Liam coos.

"M'not hungry, Li," Zayn says quietly which causes Liam to frown.

"You haven't eaten since we got on the plane, Zayn. You need to eat something," Liam says sternly while cutting off a piece of the boy's sandwich and holding it up to his lips. "You can either do this yourself or I'll do it for you, but mind you we might be doing this for you from now on." And the minute Liam said that Zayn grabs the sandwich and begins to feed himself quickly.

"Zayn, slow down we don't want you choking," Niall chastises which causes Zayn to blush but nonetheless slow down his eating pace.

After everyone is practically done, Liam decides it's now or never for the rules so he quickly grabs a pad of paper and a red sharpie before calling out the attention of all the boys.

"Alright, Louis you already know the rules so this doesn't pertain to you, but I would like you to stay anyways. As for you Zayn, I need you to listen very carefully so incase you have any questions you can asks immediately. Do you understand?" Liam asks the boy, making sure to keep eye contact. When Zayn nods his head, Liam turns to Niall to have him start it off.

"Alright, bud, I'm just going to start off with the behavioral rules. The things are pretty generic but if you get confused by any just let me know," Niall says and when Zayn nods he begins to read out the list.

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