Chapter Sixteen

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Upon hearing the distress in his baby's voice Harry doesn't hesitate to jump out of bed. The man is quick to throw on a pair of sweats and grab a jacket to throw over his naked torso before running out to car. He knows in his rush he probably woke up someone in the household, however, at the moment he couldn't even care because all he could hear was Louis' soft whimpering coming from the other line of the phone.

"Louis, baby, where are you? Can you tell Daddy where you are?" Harry cooed into the phone as he began to drive off the property.

"I-in the loo of a bar back in Lon-London," Louis whimpers, and Harry can only curse under his breath at that because that's at least an hour away even with speeding.

"Baby, baby I need you to listen to me, okay? I'm in the car now and I'll be there as soon as I can. What's the name of the bar?"

"The Wall."

"You're being so good, baby, you're helping Daddy out a lot. Do you want me to stay on the phone with you until I get there?"

And when Louis cries out a soft yes, Harry is quick to transfer the call from his phone to the car's bluetooth system, so he could use both hands while driving.

So Harry continues to drive just over an hour long road trip- consoling Louis' whimpering self through the phone as best as he can- until he finally finds himself pulling up to the bar Louis said he was at. To the surprise of Harry even at four in the morning there was still a line to get into the bar, however, being of his status he was allowed to waltz right in and run to the bathroom in the back.

As Harry finally finds the bathroom he's quick to barge in and check every stall till he gets to the last one which is when he finally can hear the soft sobs of his little boy.

"Boo, baby open the door please," Harry coos as he lightly knocks his knuckles against the door frame.

In an instant Louis is opening the door only to then jump into Harry's chest, but the man simply guides him back into the stall so he can console the boy in a more private manner.

"Shh, relax, I'm here. Daddy's here, baby," Harry coos as he kisses the boy's forehead.

"I-I-I'm sorry. St-stupid, I-I'm so stupid," Louis cries into Harry's shirt.

"No, baby, never. Never call yourself stupid, okay? You needed a break and that's fine, but you went back to how you used to behave," Harry chastised as he lightly began to sway the boy in his arms.

From there the two continue to stand in a comfortable silence, the only noise to be heard consisting of Louis' soft whimpering and the low thump of the bass from the music playing in the bar. Eventually, though, Harry finally manages to calm Louis down enough so that he can pull away from the hug and examine the boy over which is when he notices the wet trousers.

"You haven't been wearing your pull ups?" Harry asks, but he knew Louis wasn't in the best shape to answer.

Seeing as though the wet stain wasn't noticeable due to Louis' pants being black, Harry decides to wait till they're in the car to change the boy because God only knows what is in that bathroom stall. So gently Harry begins to guide the boy from the bathroom and through the club until they finally approach Harry's car where the blue eyed boy is quick to settle into the front seat.

Harry drives for a good fifteen minutes before pulling over to an empty parking lot and helping Louis get from the front seat to the back seat. The father figure of the two is quick to rid the younger mind setted one from his soaked boxers and trousers and change him into a dry nappy before buckling him into his carseat.

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