Chapter Fifteen

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To the luck of all the boys Zayn's fever has decreased drastically by morning. He's still a bit stuffy and he still has a bad cough, but he's no longer complaining about headaches and tummy aches. The lot of them were scheduled to have their tour fittings today where they would decide what outfits they would be wearing on stage for the next couple of months.

Seeing as though the staff members that were to be doing the fitting already knew about the boys' lifestyle they decided to not make Zayn and Louis come out of headspace which seemed to be good because Zayn was extra clingy this morning. The lot of them ate a quick breakfast before Paul was knocking on their hotel room door and telling them they had to be downstairs in fifteen minutes.

"C'mon Zaynie let's get you dressed, baby boy," Liam cooed which had Zayn blushing because even if he was starting to like this whole thing, it was still embarrassing to be talked to as a toddler.

"Baba help me too," Louis asks as he eats the last piece of his bagel.

"Ask daddy or papa, Boo Bear. We have to be downstairs soon and I still need to get changed too," Liam told the boy easily as he guided Zayn into their shared room.

Louis pouted a bit because he was hoping to spend a bit of time with his Baba seeing as though lately he's only been with Zayn, but he didn't dread on it and instead went over to Harry who gladly helped him get ready. With Zayn and Liam, the younger boy was giggling like mad as Liam blew raspberries on his exposed belly while changing his nappy into a fresh one for the day.
"Baba stop," Zayn giggled as he pushed Liam away who did so with a fond smile.

"You wanna go comfy today? We can wear your grey onesie that you love," Liam offered and Zayn nodded happily before getting up to grab a t-shirt as well as the onesie.

The boy managed to change himself for the most part, Liam only assisting him when he couldn't find one of the arm holes before going back out to the kitchen area where the rest of the boys were waiting. Liam got himself changed rather quickly afterwards and soon everyone was ready and heading downstairs.

Paul helped guide the boys through the crowds of screaming fans, Zayn latching onto Liam while Louis did the same with Harry only more discreet, until they were finally inside the van. From there the drive went by rather quick and Zayn and Louis were both comfortable with cuddling with one of their daddies while Niall took a few photos for his own personal memory.

Eventually they arrived at the building where fortunately no fans were waiting outside of. Niall, Liam, and Harry guided the "younger" boys inside where Caroline was rushing around bossing a few people around. Well, that was until she caught eyes of her favorite clients.

"Boys! Right on time, yeah?" Caroline said as she hugged each boy, staying on Zayn for a bit longer because she's always had a soft spot for him. "Come along, let's go get you five resized."

And with that being said Caroline guided the boys into the back room where they were all quick to strip from their clothes...except for Zayn once again. Liam decided to leave him alone for a bit as he went up first and the little boy immediately decided to go cuddle with Harry seeing as though Liam was now busy and Niall was off on a conference call.

"Dada?" Zayn whispered as he awkwardly stood in front of the man while fiddling with his fingers.

"Hi, baby, you wan' some cuddles?" Harry immediately asks with a sympathetic smile and Zayn can only nod, so with that Harry pulls the boy to sit on his lap.

Only problem though, Louis had excused himself to use the loo real quick and upon seeing Zayn on top of his daddy's lap he couldn't help but get angry. With a glare set upon his face, Louis marched right over to Zayn and in a quick motion pushed Zayn right off of Harry's lap.

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