Chapter Ten

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As the next day comes along Harry and Niall are now back, and they're quite surprised to hear about the progress Liam was able to come upon in less than twenty four hours. However, with the fundraiser being that night and this being Zayn's first time in the actual public eye since they've started this whole thing, they know tonight will have it's challenges.

They decided to get an early start, waking up both Louis and Zayn before ten so they can nap at one or two and start getting ready by four. Being as though nothing was planned to do that day other than the fundraiser, Louis and Zayn were able to just play around the house a bit while Harry, Liam, and Niall made some last minute arrangements for the event that night.

As lunch time came around, Liam knew Zayn was gonna be going down for his nap right when they finished, but he also remembered his and the boy's conversation the previous night.

"Zee, do you to ask Harry and Niall what you asked me last night?" Liam cooed as he held a spoonful of food up to the boy's mouth since he was trying to avoid the vegetables. Zayn looked confused for a moment before remembering what he asked and began to slightly blush.

"You ask?" Zayn asks quietly after he finishes chewing and Liam simply coos before turning to Harry and Niall who are looking on fondly.

"Zaynie, here, asked if we could get rid of the crib. He's not a very big fan of being restrained by the bars, and I feel as though he's had it long enough to build a valid opinion," Liam says while giving the boy another bite of food.

"We'll start looking for big boy beds tomorrow," Niall says with a smile and Zayn can't help but beam at that.

"However, I think we should have one of those low clip-on side railings because you do tend to roll in your sleep, Zee. It wouldn't be high, just to the side of you so we don't find you on the floor in the morning," Harry adds in quickly which Liam and Niall immediately agree to.

Lunch finishes after that fairly quick, so Niall begins to take Zayn upstairs for the boy to have his nap. As they make their way up the stairs, Zayn can't help but be fussy in stating he's not tired, however, the big yawn he released right before didn't seem to help his case.

"Shh, Zee, just go to sleep, baby. I promise you're gonna thank me for this later when we have to stay up very late," Niall coos as he lays the boy down in his bed.

"P-papa?" Zayn whimpers as Niall begins to lift the rails, and dammit does Niall wish he wouldn't have used that name at this moment because he knows he'll do just about anything for the boy right now. "Sl-sleep with Lou?"

Niall cooed at the boy as he rubbed a thumb across his cheek before telling him he'll go ask Louis if he'd want to do that. So Niall runs down the stairs and finds Louis cuddled up on Harry's lap, half asleep, so he just figures might as well put him down for his nap anyways.

Niall carries Louis up the stairs and places him in his own bed before running to grab Zayn and putting him beside the boy. Immediately, the younger of the two cuddled into the older one, and Niall felt his heart grow at the sight alone.

Knowing that Harry and Liam would kill him for not sharing the view, he was quick to go and grab the boys to which they each took a good hundred pictures and were even able to post one on their accounts since it appeared that the two were simply cuddling.

As the two boys nap, the other three begin to confirm all their nightly arrangements and make a new game plan strategy in case Louis or Zayn were to fall into a headspace. I say new because before they only had to worry about Louis, however, with Zayn joining the lifestyle at an even younger age than Louis the boys know things need to be set differently.

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