undercover love // luke hemmings

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"I'm telling you, this is a bad idea." You told you partner Luke while one of the other officers was fitting him with a wire.

"Will you relax, it'll be fine." He laughed and dismissed your worries with a wave of his hand.

"I don't understand why you can't just wait for the vice team to get here and let them do it, this isn't your job Luke. You don't need to be putting your life on the line for this." The other officer finished taping the wire to Luke's chest and left you two alone in the room.

"If we wait too long then this guy gets away. Again. We've already got seven dead because of the bad heroine he's pushing and if we don't get him this time that number is gonna go up." He looked away for a few moments before turning back to face you and doing up his shirt the rest of the way. "I could have stopped him once before and I didn't. Some of those lives are on me and I don't want that number rising."

The police department in your city had been tracking this drug dealer for a while now, but decided it needed to take action when a few of his recent batches had been tainted and were killing people. Luke had the guy a few months back before it all got bad but couldn't charge him because someone had lost evidence and he had been taking it pretty hard because he blamed himself for this guy still being on the street.

The two of you had been patrolling when you came across one of his dealers who you'd followed back to their head quarters and now Luke was planning to go in undercover while wearing a wire to try and get a confession from the guy on tape so he wouldn't get away again.

You knew there was no use in trying to talk him out of it, his mind was already made up, but that didn't mean that you couldn't worry about him.

"Hemmings you're on in five minutes, better start getting ready." The same officer from before told him, before leaving again.

"Hey," Luke said to you, brushing his fingers along your cheek. "I'll be okay, don't worry about me."

You tried to offer him a reassuring smile but you were more than convinced that it just came off as a grimace. "If you die, I'm going to kill you."


Things weren't going as planned. Luke was inside and the guys were starting to get suspicious of the six foot blonde guy that none of them could remember hanging around before. Luke was holding his own and he sounded convincing but it was obvious that the other guys weren't buying it.

"You know, you look really familiar." The leader said and your stomach dropped, if he recognised Luke things could get ugly really fast.

"Yeah, that's because I've been selling your drugs for you." He responded and you could just imagine him rolling his eyes.

"Vice team is in place." The officer next to you said, which only made you feel slightly better. If they went in too early or too late Luke could get killed.

"Nah, you look like that cop." Your eyes widened and your hand moved up to cover your mouth. "The one with the hot chick for a partner. The one that took me in months ago."

"I don't know what you're - " The line went dead suddenly which only meant one thing, the wire had either been cut or destroyed.

You pulled off the headphones you'd been wearing and pushed back from the desk you were sitting at just as gun shots started to ring out. You immediately thought the worst but your training kicked in and you became almost too calm. You pulled out your own gun and headed for the door but the officer standing there stopped you from walking through and took your gun from your hand.

"Sorry officer, we're on strict orders from officer Hemmings not to let you out of this building until everything is sorted." You were annoyed at Luke for going in in the first place and you were furious that he'd essentially stopped you from being able to help.

No one would tell you anything and for the next five minutes you just paced back and forth, seething, until you got the all clear to leave the building. When you got outside the first thing you looked for was the ambulances. 

Sure enough, Luke was sitting in the back of one of them, his shirt half off and a bandage covering his shoulder but not completely disguising the blood. For a moment you were so relieved that you forgot to be angry at him and you rushed over to his side, pushing past other cops to get there.

When he noticed you coming he pulled up the sleeve of his shirt and stood up. As soon as you came to a stop in front of him you pulled him in for a frantic kiss. You didn't even care that you were out in the open and relationships between partners were virtually forbidden because he was there and he was okay and for a little while you weren't sure that was going to be the case.

"Damn, if I'd know getting shot was all it would take for you to kiss me I would have jumped in front of a bullet ages ago." He laughed, running his thumb over your lips.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you're okay, but that doesn't mean I forgive you for going in there like that and for making them keep me from going in to help."

"You can yell at me all you want later, but right now I'd kind of prefer if you just kissed me again."


title credit: undercover love - diego boneta

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