my heart is so jet lagged // ashton irwin (special request)

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“I can’t believe this is happening.” I groaned, my head dropping down into my hands.

“I’m sorry miss there’s nothing I can do.” The woman behind the desk looked tired and I couldn’t really blame her, she’d probably had to deal with people like me freaking out at her all night.

“Is there any way I can get on a different flight?” I asked, desperately hoping that she’d say yes. “I have to go to my cousins wedding and I was already cutting it close with the last flight. So please, is there anything you can do to get me on a plane to Sydney before tomorrow morning?”

The woman frowned and I felt my stomach drop before she even opened her mouth.

“I’m sorry, there’s nothing I can do.” She repeated.

I sighed and nodded my head. With a  polite ‘thank you’ I walked away and pulled my mobile out of the pocket in my jeans. Just to add insult to injury the screen flashed to tell me the battery was low before it turned itself off altogether. I looked around the boarding area and was able to figure out that all the available power outlets were in use before I scanned the area for a pay phone. I noticed there was one that was unoccupied on the other side of the area and quickly made my way over to it.

When I got over there I dumped my backpack on the ground and began to rummage around for some loose change so I could actually make a call. Typically, because I needed it there was absolutely none in sight. I stood up and kicked my bag sending it skidding along the floor and into the wall that was less than a metre away. I almost laughed when it toppled over and spilled out half its contents because I seriously couldn’t believe all this was happening.

“Here.” I jumped slightly when the voice sounded from beside me.

I turned and saw a tall blonde boy with curly hair standing next to me with a soft smile on his face. His hand was outstretched and sitting in his palm were a collection of coins.

I raised my eyebrows and he used his free hand to rub the back of his neck as he began to speak. “You look like you’re having a pretty rough night, I had some change to spare and I figured it might help you out.”

“You make it sound like I’m homeless and begging for money.” I noted and the smile dropped from his face.

“I – uh, I – ”

“I was kidding, I’m sorry.” I was quick to tell him. “I haven’t slept in a while; I guess my sarcasm isn’t translating properly.”

“It’s cool.” He said, the smile returning to his face as he held out his hand again. “Here, call who you’ve got to call.”

I hesitated slightly, feeling bad for taking his money but he just reached out and put it in my palm before curling my fingers around it.

“Thank you.” I sighed, finally smiling back before turning towards the booth and picking up the phone.

It took a while to connect because it was an international call but when it finally clicked through I let out a sigh of relief.

“Hello, who’s this?” My cousin’s groggy voice filtered through the handset and I suddenly remembered that time zones were an actual thing.

“Mia, it’s me. Sorry for calling so late.” I leaned against the wall of the little booth and waited for her to respond, already dreading this conversation.

“Jenn? Is that you?” She paused for a few moments. “Wait, how are you calling me? Shouldn’t you be on a plane?”

“About that…” I trailed off, knowing that she’d probably already figured out what was going on (or she at least had a fairly good idea).

“Why are you not on the plane?” She yelled.

“There was something wrong with it, we’ve been grounded until tomorrow morning so they’ve got time to fix it.”

“You’re going to be late for my wedding.” She exclaimed causing me to pull the receiver away from my ear. “You’re my maid of honour Jenn, I need you to be there.”

“I know, I’m sorry – ”

“This wouldn’t have happened if you’d just got on the flight three days ago like we’d planned.”

“I had to work Mia, I couldn’t lose my job over this.” I ran a hand through my hair because this was going worse than I’d expected.

“You’re always working.” She lowered her voice. “I haven’t seen you in almost a year because you’re always working and I miss you. And now you’re going to miss my wedding.”

“I’m not going to miss the wedding, I’m probably just going to a little rushed for time when I get there.” I looked down at my hands. “I’m really sorry Mia.”

“It’s fine, just make sure you get here. I can’t get married without you standing beside me, it wouldn’t be the same.”

“I’ll be there, I promise.” The conviction in my voice surprised even me.

“Good, I’ll see you then.”

With that said I placed the phone back in the cradle and turned to pick up my bag, it wasn’t on the floor where I’d left it though and my eyebrows pulled together as I looked up. The same guy from earlier was holding my backpack out to me.

“Uh, thanks.” I laughed slightly as I took it from him and looked him over properly for the first time.

He could probably pass for a male model with his chiselled featured and perfectly unkempt hair. He somehow managed to make track pants and a t-shirt look amazing and his dimples were absolutely to die for.

“I’m Ashton.” He said, extending a hand for me to shake.

I took it and almost laughed out loud when his hand completely enveloped mine. “I’m Jenn.”

“Well Jenn, it looks like we’re going to be stuck here for a while. What do you say, how about we go get something to eat and get to know each other?”

And that was how I’d ended up in the airport food court talking to Ashton Irwin for hours on end.

He was one of the sweetest guys I’d ever met and it seemed as if nothing fazed him. We moved through topics of conversation with ease and I slowly found myself becoming more and more relaxed in his company.

“So, why are you headed to Sydney?” I asked him eventually.

“Well I’m actually from Sydney, but one of my best mates is getting married to the girl of his dreams and he asked me to be one of his groomsmen.” He laughed. “So I’ve got to put on some fancy suit and stand up there with him. What about you, why are you going to Sydney?”

“Similar thing actually.” I laughed and picked up another one of my fries before continuing. “My cousin Mia’s getting married, although I think there may also be a funeral at the point because I’m pretty sure she’s going to kill me.”

When I looked up at Ashton his eyebrows were furrowed and he was looking down at the table between us.

“Your cousin Mia?” He asked which caused me to become confused so I just nodded. “Marrying a tall blonde guy named Luke?”

I sat back in my chair and gave him a sceptical look. “How did you know that?”

It was a stupid question of course because I knew they only reason he’d know that, but I still asked anyway.

“Luke’s my best mate, one of them at least.” He laughed. “What are the chances, huh?”

“This is kind of insane, you know that right?” I laughed along with him but I wasn’t quite able to hide the incredulity in my voice.

“Of course it is, maybe it was fate though.” He sent me a cheesy wink which made me burst out into laughter.

“At least I won’t be the only one who’s late.” I pointed out.

“At least I’ll have someone to dance with at the reception.” He added.


title credit: jet lag - simple plan

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