They will be the death of me

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(Trigger warning mention of blood)

Marinette's pov:
I woke up not wanting to, my alarm has gone of like every other day, I've immediately wanted to go back to sleep not even thinking about school.
You see, Lila succeeded. She ruined my life. Alya hates me, Adrien who was always a friend to me is now with Lila after telling me to 'take the high road' because 'no one is getting hurt' yeah sureeeeee I totally wasn't beat up because of the lies Lila said about me to her annoying stupid sheep. To be honest I've never liked Adrien, he was the one to tell me he's in love with me, I still remember his exact words

"Mari I love you. But you need to stop resisting Lila, take the high road, no one is getting hurt, then we can be together in secret so she doesn't find out."

"Seriously Adrien your pathetic, you so called love me but your scared for the liar to find out, also take the high road how could you even say that. Your a no one to me Adrien all you've ever been is just a damn friend and now for all I care you can go to your father who doesn't even love you or cares about you" I said to him on a rainy day after school.

I snapped back to reality as I heard my mom say "Sweetheart its time for school,"
I've answered I'll be there in a minute, I've never told my parents about all of this, Chloe and Nino told me multiple times to tell them and maybe they would do something about the situation but I've decided to not say anything to not worry them.
As I got dressed I went downstairs and went to school.

I tired to sneak past them but failed
"Hey you stupid trash come here," said alya. I ignored and went inside but I knew what was coming for me

"I was talking to you," I heard as I felt being pushed down to the floor, alya was strong that's for sure, I didn't say anything

"you'll pay for slapping Lila yesterday, you hear me? You'll pay" as I felt her pulling out my hair she was pulling me up but then slammed my head back down, it hurt, like hurt a lot.

I've was too busy worrying about the pain I didn't even realise that Chloe and Nino were running up to me and alya, Nino pushed Alya out of the way and Chloe came to check up on me.

I felt something warm run down my head I slightly moved my hand touched my head and saw.. blood..

after that everything went black and the last thing I heard was Chloe screaming my name and Nino screaming at alya "YOU STUPID WOMAN YOU MADE HER BLEED WTH IS WRONG WITH YOU!"
"I..I.." Alya started stuttering after that i don't remember anything other than "JULEKA, NATHANIEL CALL 911"
I thought it was all over until I woke up in the hospital.

"Omg Marinette we were so worried why didn't you tell us about what's happening in school" I heard my mom say to me holding my hand. I slightly opened my eyes a little more, the white hospital walls and light hurt my eyes, I took my other hand and touched my head because it hurt like hell.

"Don't worry you got stitches," Chloe said walking into the room. "Chloe, Nino!" I was happy to see them, they did save me after all.

"Hey dudette how you feeling?" Nino asked in true worry

"I'm better now, it still hurts like damn hell but its ok now," I said forcing a smile on my face because I saw alya looking through  the window in the door, my little smile instantly faded when I saw adrien behind her, I was disgusted to see them 2, and then the freaking Lila behind them both.

"What are they doing here?" I asked mad making Nino and Chloe look at each other in shock

"well we thought you'll want to press charges on alya for doing this to you," Nino said looking down
"Thanks Nino but let them go now I don't want to see their disgusting faces anymore.

I needed to stay another week in the hospital because I kept fainting when I tried to stand up
I've got treats from Alya and the rest of the gang saying stuff like

"We really hoped that head injury would kill you"
"smart of you to not press charges you would end up in a bad state if you did"
"next time your condition will be worse"
"this teaches you to not play around with Lila" "this is your punishment you trash"
Sadly Chloe found them one day and wasn't happy about it but I told her to not worry because it doesn't affect me. I lied so bad, those words from who used to be my friends hurt like hell but I didn't want to admit it.
Tikki was always there for me no matter what but there's nothing a small kwami of creation can do other than to tell me to not give up.
I was let out the hospital and I sadly needed to come back to school, when I woke up I was ready for round 2.

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