What we all felt

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Later that week Chloe's pov:
I visited nette one day before she was let out home. I was worried as she kept fainting, it wasn't normal, I've talked to her doctor and he doesn't know why that happens, Mari did lose of blood that day but he said it shouldn't affect her for so long. Me and Juleka jumped into action in school to stop the bleeding when Nathaniel was calling for the ambulance and Nino was screaming at lie-la and her sheep. I remember when I broke down crying when they took her juleka tried to calm me down but it was for nothing, I simply couldn't, Mari saved me, she made me a better person and I'm truly greatfull for her. I wouldn't be how I am now if not her.

The day of the situation:

Nathaniel's pov:
I was so scared. Mari was shaking Chloe was screaming that she's not breathing when I saw a little more calmed down Juleka run up to them two and check Maris pulse, as she was doing that Nino screamed at me "NATHANIEL CALL THE DAMN AMBULANCE, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, FOR HER TO BLEED OUT?!" I immediately took out my phone which I also dropped because my hands were shaking as much as Maris barely alive body, Juleka shocked all of us by screaming "HER PULSE IS BARELY THERE HURRY UP" that made me even more scared. I don't remember my conversation with the lady on the phone , I was hyperventilating, shaking like crazy, I could barely catch my breath, I was in a horrible state, Marc was watching the whole situation and he luckily ran up and took the phone from me when Nino took me near him to make me a little more calm. He was screaming, he was furious, it was almost like he would murder one of them, I could see the disappointment in them all in his eyes, especially his ex, he knew she wasn't like that, lie-la made her a total monster, and his ex best friend, he knew Adrien knew how much of a liar his now gf is, he knew he loves Mari yet he still stood there doing absolutely nothing to help her survive, he only tried to laugh along with them lot. I was furious too, Alya was Maris best friend and the fact their not anymore doesn't mean they need to kill her.

Nino's pov:
I wanted to kill her. I dont care about the consequences. She hurt my childhood best friend. But I decided to calm myself down and should at her instead. She doesn't deserve anything in life. "HOW COULD YOU!" All I did was shout, I couldn't control myself "the trash shouldn't have ignored m-"
"DONT EVEN FINISH THAT YOU WITCH, YOUR NOT OK, YOUR GOING TO BE A NO ONE, YOUR LADYBLOG WILL DIE SAME AS YOU IN YOUR GUILT WHEN YOU REALISE HOW MUCH OF A MONSTER YOU ARE." I shouted leaving her stunned. "SHES INNOCENT HOW THE HELL COULD YOU, SHES DONE NOTHING WRONG, YOU GUYS ARE MESSED UP, GET HELP." I was fuming I couldn't understand what was happening I heard Chloe shouting in the background with  Juleka but ignored it. "Your gonna do nothing to my blog," she answered almost barking at me with her annoying attitude, I had enough "ohhhh are you so sure now?" I asked her obviously knowing shes wrong because I had enough of her lie-la and the others "yes I actually am, there's nothing you can do, you jerk who dumped me for some reason, actually no I'm glad you did because I dont want to be with someone whose friend with a trash, loser, bully, ugly and some stupid designer." And that crossed the line for me
"ah my dear witch of an ex look above you" we all looked up to see the recording 9th graders who were on our side "they recorded the whole situation, you can be in real trouble if we use that footage" she was more than stunned "but.. I.. I.. I don't understand.." that one sentence she said made me fume so much "ohhhh you don't understand now? Your pathetic. Also look behind you." We turned around to see the two 11th graders who were also on our side recording our whole conversation. "Stunned aren't we? You would be stupid if you think were not gonna end your career with this footage," I said leaving her with a shock on her and the others face "this footage is gold, like pure gold," we heard one of the 11th graders say "I know right this will go viral if we put this out" I laughed alone with some of the 9 and 11 graders while seeing Alya tear up like crazy "NO NO NO PLEASE DON'T, NINO.. I beg.. don't do this to me" my laugh immediately stoped while Nathaniel started laughing "ohhhh we will" said Nathaniel "exactly we wont let you get away with this. Your career is officially gone Alya" I took a deep breath to calm down and started tearing up when I saw the paramedics run in to hopefully get Mari alive to the hospital.

Juleka's pov:
Chloe was panicking and shaking she could barely stop the bleeding all she could check is if Maris breathing, which she was not since I was one of the more calm Maris friend I've ran up to Chloe and Maris barely alive body and immediately checked if her pulse was still there. I've started to freak out when I realised her pulse was barely there I screamed that her pulse is slow and she'll die if they don't hurt up, i felt like I'm going to faint because of the bad but i needed to stay strong for Mari. I saw Nathaniel freaking out hyperventilating on the phone and as much as I wanted to calm him down, Marinette's heart was close to stopping and we couldn't allow that. Never. I glanced over and saw Marc take the phone and ran up to me checking on Mari and Chloe crying screaming at nette to not die. We told the woman everything and not even 3 minutes later the paramedics were with us as the lady hang up. After that I passed out too but woke up after only 2 minutes.

Adrien's pov:
At first I thought she'll be ok but as soon as I saw the blood on Maris fingers I knew she wont be ok. I told alya to not be so violent because it will end up bad for all of us, but now I see she did not listen to a word I said. I started to lose it on the inside when people were screaming that shes not breathing, to call the ambulance and that her pulse is barely there.
As much as it hurt I needed to stay silent.

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