Allan and his new crush.

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"DO NOT GET ME STARTED ABOUT THEM." Allan sighed in annoyance.

"Maths is going to be terrible." Claude blurbed out.

"Imagine not getting math." Mari laughed along with Allegra

"Girls just get math better" Allan rolled his eyes

"Then explain how does Felix get math?" Marinette faced Allan as he kept quiet

Claude laughed as Allan scoffed.

Mari and Allegra stood up from the table and walked away.
Boys and girls turning their heads.

Boys to follow Allegra and Mari with their hungry eyes.

Girls to look at the 3 boys just wanting to be theirs.

Felix and Allan noticing the eyes on them sighed as Claude was giggling at the guy who was calling Allegra's name but ended up tripping and crying on the ground.

Sophia. A former popular girl. Former because of an accident that happened to her recently, the poor girl was in a car accident, she lost a leg, all her 'friends' left her and now she was an outcast. She now wears a prosthetic.

Sophia stood up from the table she was sitting at. She was all alone.
She walked over to the 3 now lonely boys

"Care if I sit here? It gets kinda lonely there all alone." She said looking at the floor.

"Sure" Claude said after the boys looked at each other in a 'should we?' and 'yeah I think we should' way.

"Thank you so much." Her face has brightened up.
But as she sat down her old friend, now the popular girl, Chasity, quickly came running up to smack the tray of food out of Sophia's hands
"WHAT THE HELL CHASITY!" Felix shouted as she pushed Sophia.

"Oh come on Felix. Shes a loser. You don't want to be seen with her, same as that ugly new girl." Chasity tried to touch him but Felix grabbed her hand

"Say one more thing about Marinette, and I swear you'll regret it for the rest of your life." Felix said making the whole of the cafeteria shut their mouths shut.
Chasity ran away back to her friends while Felix and the other 2 helped Sophia up.

"Thanks guys. And sorry about the whole scene." She said looking sad

"Don't worry about it. It's not your fault." Allan said as he got butterflies from her sweet smile

"Thanks Allan." She said "also Im getting a room change as they wouldn't leave me alone and Miss said that on you guys' floor there's one more empty bed. Is that true?"

Allan's eyes lit up at the thought "yup I guess your Mari's and Allegra's new roommate. They will be so happy."

"So true." Claude laughed thinking about Allegra's excitement

"Their going to kill us." Felix sighed

"Oh yeah. You 3 will be like a freaking popular girl trio." Allan laughed

"What? I doubt anyone can beat them 6." Sophia said pointing at the popular group

"Just watch and see." Claude exclaimed

"Anyway lets find them." Allan reached out to help Sophia stand up.

"You guys are making an mistake."
Chasity shouted

"At first the little new girl that doesn't know her place."
Felix's eyes were filling with rage at this point. He didn't see Mari and Allegra walk back in

"Oh no first was that ugly blonde, Allegra was it?"
Claude was about to snap

"And now that disabled thing."
Allan was holding back Felix but wanted to let him go so bad

The other two girls were watching in horror. Both knowing what will happen soon

"It would be nice if miss Allegra would just stop acting like shes all that, while shes just an ugly bi**h"
Now Allan and Sophia had to hold 2 people.

"The new one went back to where she came from and be left there suffering." Felix was about to kill her for bringing up Maris past

"And back then something more than an accident happened." She winked at Sophia.

Allan let go and Felix was about to put her in the same state as his cousin

Mari and Allegra ran up

Marinette stood in front of Felix calming him down as Allegra hugged Claude

Sophia and Allan were just there. Standing staring at the other two but Allan spoke
"Your lucky these two came in time. If they haven't you'd be already in a bad condition."

Everyone started to mind their own business.
But Felix seem to not calm down. Marinette was holding his arms, shaking him slightly to make him focus on her, yet it didn't work. Marinette didn't know what to do anymore.

She cupped his face with both his hands bringing his head down making him snap back to reality.

"Marinette?" He asked confused

"Your back I guess." She sighed in relief

"What do you mean?" He didn't know what was happening

"you were in blind rage. No one could calm you down."

"It's because of Chasity isn't it?" He looked down

"Don't worry about it." She stroked his cheek with one of her hands as she let them fall after a while

"She got him back!" Sophia exclaimed as everyone laughed.

"Anyway lets head to our room, mari, Sophia's our new roommate!!" Allegra exclaimed

"what?! Omg yayyyy!" Marinette laughed

"LETS GO! I don't wanna see their faces no more." All of them turned to them but quickly turned back and started to walk out of the cafeteria. Just not Felix.

"Hey now. Don't leave me alone with these 4 lovebirds." Marinette ran back to him

"Wouldn't dream of leaving you." He said grabbing her hand.

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