Look at me.

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"There's something you didn't tell me yet is it?" He asks softly

She just nods trying not to burst into tears again.

He wraps his arms around her and hugs her.


"Let it out." Felix whispers in her ear as Marinette breaks down into tears and sobs

Felix just sat there with her in his arms. He didn't dare speak. He sat there in silence letting her know he's there and her cries are heard.

After a few minutes she calmed down.

He stood up with her still in his arms and held her by the shoulders and guided her out of the room.

They soon arrived at the balcony. He sat her down in one of the chairs as kneeled in front of  her to make eye contact.

"What was that about?" Felix asked truly worried

"Ever since.. you know.. the last school.. I got scared of anyone screaming or even raising their voice at me. I guess it hasn't went away yet." She spoke breaking the eye contact.

Embarrassed by how she reacts she turns her head away from him. That was until she felt two soft fingers on her chin bringing her face back to his.

"Are you.. embarrassed?" He asked as she silently nodded. Not daring to speak up.

"You know no one is going to hurt you here. They wouldn't dare. And if they did I would make them regret it." He said yet she looked away again.

Seeing her unresponsive figure Felix sighs
"I'm going to talk to Allan, he's going to apologise to you. I promise."

Yet. Her answer never came through. Felix stood up and walked towards the balcony door.

"If you need me I'm always here. Have a moment with yourself ok?" He spoke. His arm already on the frame of the door.

She nodded.
Not wanting to speak at all.

Felix just muttered something to himself and left the balcony.


I'm sorry my chapters are short but I have no time😭

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