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"So you sit next to Noah?" Felix asked

"Yeah sadly, it was the only empty seat."

"Your teacher is Miss May right?"he turned to me

"Yeah she's really nice"

"That's Miss May for you." Felix said as we reached the other three.

"oooooooo I see what's happening." Allegra said looking down at our hands

"You don't know nothing." Felix answered annoyed but not letting go of my hand

"What happened then." Claude asked

"I was in math and Miss May sat me next to Noah. Towards the end of the lesson he started flirting with me asking me out and trying to get the answers from me when I said I'll tutor him and tried to walk out of class he grabbed me and wouldn't let go." Marinette explained

"Then I came over to their class and saw everything that's been happening. End of story." Felix finished

"NOAH IS SO DEAD." Allan shouted

"No Noah's probably at the nurse because of the punch Mari threw at him." Felix said

"That's my shortcake, anyway let's get lunch I'm hungryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy." Claude started falling down to the floor

"Ok ok let's-" Allegra was cut off

"FELIXXXX!!!!" A girl shouted at Felix sighed in annoyance

"What do you want." Felix didn't even look at her

"Oh don't be so mad. Just saw you walking and decided to say hi!" The girl spoke again as Marinette looked confused at Claude as he gave her a 'later' look

"Go away Nelli." Felix said stepping closer to Marinette.

"Awh Felix you hurt me. But ok ok. I'll go" the girl called Nelli walked away as everyone but Mari sighed

"Sooo does someone care to explain?" Mari asked.
"Nelli. Year younger than us. Obsessed with me since 2nd year for her and 3rd for us." Felix rolled his eyes

"Annoying as hell Nelli. Never leaves Felix alone." Allan turned around to see Nelli pointing at Felix while screaming and blushing to her friends.

"Mari I think you should do something about her. She doesn't pester you yet so you can do something about her." Claude added


"Tell her to go away while she tried to be.." Allegra turned around just to see Nelli pointing as Felix's and Maris interlocked hands
"Nevermind she already hates mari." Allegra finished

"Why?" Felix asked

"The hands." Allegra said

"That's understandable." Mari sighed as they reached the lunch hall.

Everyone got lunch but Marinette

"Girl aren't you getting lunch." Allegra asked walking up with her tray

"Nope not today." Marinette said as Felix came over with an ice pack for her hand

"Thanks fefe" Marinette blurbed out as he sat down, yet he didn't say anything back. The memories of the day in the alley came back to him

(Chapter 18 . Shhh your ok now)

"Fefe...." I heard Mari whisper in the background.

"Hey don't cry again I'm here they would not dare to hurt you again." I kneeled and sat in front of her.

He knew he heard that nickname before.

Felix was so deep in thought he didn't see the rest of his friends arriving at the table.

Nonstop coming to his head.

Not being able to focus on anything.
The image of hurt Marinette infront of his eyes.

"Felixxx!" Claude snapped his fingers infront of his face

"Oh sorry. I was just.. thinking about.. um.. when the tests are going to start again. Yeah.. tests.." everyone looked at him puzzled as he put his head down and started eating his food.

He saved me ~felinette~Where stories live. Discover now