Chapter 1

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I woke up to the worst sound in the world.


Ugh. That sound was the signal to get up and go to hell. Spring break seemed to go by way too fast.

I rolled my lazy ass out of bed and fell to the floor before standing up. I slipped on a tight Green Day shirt and black skinny jeans with converse. I wasn't hungry, so when I finished brushing my teeth I threw on my backpack and texted Spencer as I walked out the door.

'On my way.'

Every day I walked to his house and we walked to school together. He was my best friend, and at some times, my only friend. I had a group of friends to hang out with at school, but they didn't know about my personal life, only Spencer knew about that.

When I got to his house I noticed people moving boxes into Brent Wilson's old house. He's finally gone, I thought to myself and smiled.

Brent Wilson was my worst nightmare. He bullied me every time he got the chance. And living next to Spencer always gave him the opportunity. When I found out he was moving to Oregon, it was the best thing to ever hear. Now that he was gone, Spencer's house was 100% safe.

Spencer walked out of his house and saw me staring at the house. He smiled and said "We're meeting the new neighbors for dinner tonight, you wanna come so I'm not bored?"

"Anything to get out of my house."

We walked and talked about spring break. Even though we were mostly together for it.

"The new neighbors have a son our age. My mom asked me to help him around school. That means you're helping me."

"As long as he's not annoying." I say through a deep sigh as we walk through the school's parking lot.

"I see his mom's car in the drop off lane, let's wait for him and meet him."

I don't see how Spencer is so friendly. I also don't see why he's my friend of all people. He's just a genuinely nice person and always seems to care. He could probably be friends with everybody if he wanted to. But he decided to be friends with me and all of the other quiet and awkward "emos" of the school. That's what they call us. The "emos". Just because we listen to Green Day and Blink-182.

I see a boy with wide brown eyes and brown hair hop out of a car. His bangs bounce in front of his face when he stood up straight. Needless to say he was really cute.

"That's him." Spencer waves and smiles "Hey, it's Brendon, right?"

"Uh, yeah. You must be Spencer." He had a deep voice. I probably looked really weird staring at his huge lips.

"Yeah. This is my friend Ryan." He says as he points to me. "We can show you around. If you have any questions just ask me or Ry." He sounded like a teacher.

Brendon nods and we start walking.

"So can I see your schedule?" I finally say something. Brendon grabs the small peice of paper out of his pocket and hands it to me.

Holy shit. We have like 5 classes together.

"We have Science, Spanish, Math, History, and Chemistry together." I say aloud.

"Cool. Do you wanna be my lab partner? I mean I don't have one, so it'd be cool to have someone I've already met. If it's cool with you, I mean." He chokes out. I wasn't gonna say no to him. I mean look at him. I could just stare at him all day. Not in a creepy way...

Jon will just have to find a new partner.

Brendon and I walk to first period together while Spencer leaves to his class.

"Nice shirt, by the way." Brendon says almost quiet enough for no one to hear.

"You like Green Day?" He can't be this perfect. There's a catch. There has to be. A gorgeous guy with a good taste in music? Too perfect.

I probably knew the catch.

He could be straight.

"Of course. They're awesome!" He shoots me a smile that makes me light headed.

"Well, you and I will get along just fine." I smile.

"So who do you hang out with?"

"Spencer and I hang out with a few guys from our classes who like the same stuff as us. You're welcome to come hang out with us, if you want. I'm sure there are better people to hang out with." I'm starting to ramble. Oh God, Ryan.

"Cool." He laughs

Our school always likes to change things after vacations, so all of our classes changed our seating charts. Lucky for me, most of my teachers were nice and let us sit with whoever we wanted. So, Brendon and I sit by each other in almost every class.

At first, I had my doubts of Brendon being gay, and then I saw his red glasses in his back pack...

Spencer, Brendon, and I all had one class together, so we all sat in a row. Spencer caught on pretty fast that I liked Brendon during that class. When the bell rang for lunch, Spencer caught up to me before Brendon could find me and pulled me to the side.

"Tell me." He said in seriousness.

"Tell you what?"

"I saw you staring at him all through class. Tell me you like Brendon."

Dammit Spencer.

"Okay, so what if I do? He's probably straight."

"Oh c'mon, have you seen those glasses?" I giggle at the thought of his red glasses. Soon enough, Brendon walks up to us and we find our table.

"Brendon, this is Pete, Patrick, Joe, Andy, and Jon. Guys, this is Brendon."

There's a collection of "hi's" and nods. Brendon sits next to me and we all talk about random things.

The rest of the day passes by fast and before I know it, I'm walking home with Spencer.

"Why didn't Brendon just walk with us?" I ask. Spencer smirks.

"He has work. He works at Smoothie Hut."

"He just moved here and already has a job?!" I've been here all of my life and yet I still don't have a job.

"I guess his dad knows the manager or something, I don't know. That's what he told me."

We walk in silence, besides the sound of me kicking a rock on the side of the road and humming "Holiday" by Green Day.

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