Chapter 8

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My Sunday night consisted of sitting in my room with my iPod on blast and thinking about alternate endings to Brendon and I's date on Friday.

Having someone to look forward to really helps with waking up in the morning. I got up easily, eager to hang out with Brendon.

I got ready on autopilot. I just wanted to see Brendon. That's all that matters.

I text Spencer telling him I'm on my way and head out with my beaten backpack slung around my shoulder.

The first few minutes of our walk was quiet.

Until Spencer decided to ruin it.

"So, where are you guys going for your date Friday?"

"God dammit Spencer!" I flail my arms.

"What? I'm just asking."

"You can't go one second without making something awkward!"

"That is so not true! I was just asking my friends a simple question about what they're gonna do for their date!" He plays innocent. Asshole.

I shake my head in disappointment and watch the ground move below me as I trudge towards school.

This whole time Brendon has kept quiet. He was looking at his shoes as we walked.

"But really. Where are you going?" Oh my god. He's pissing me off.

"We haven't decided yet." Brendon speaks up.

"You guys should go to the drive in. You have total privacy and could make o-"

"Spencer! Shut up! Please! I thought you were my friend but you're acting like an older brother who just wants to embarrass me! It's obnoxious!" I snap. It was the first time I had ever been truly angry with Spencer. I start walking faster and away from them.

I walked alone for about three minutes before Brendon came running up to me.

"What was that about?"

"He was just being annoying. Making us uncomfortable on purpose. It's funny the first few times but come on!"

"He was just trying to be funny. It's not a big deal."

"You weren't uncomfortable back there?"

"Well, I was. But he was just joking around."

I sigh. "I know he was. Maybe I was being a little over dramatic, but I would truly appreciate it if he kept some things a little bit more secret."

"But hey, we still haven't decided what we're gonna do anyways. He was just helping." He smiles. I roll my eyes.

"We should probably wait for Spencer to catch up." He stops me. When Spencer catches up, the rest of the walk is silent.

~A/N: This one's really short again. But I'm updating twice today. I would have added the two together but I thought it would just be easier to transition through if I cut it in half.

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