Part 36

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Mattheo's POV

The boys are being a bloody nuisance.

I mean I get that they want me to look nice but pulling out every pair of shoes I own, making me shower 6 times, and doing my hair routine for me. I would say that's a bit to much.

Why can't one or all of them leave, I mean Theodore, Enzo and Jake could help Allie get dressed but no.

I have Draco, Blaise, Theodore, Enzo and Jake all helping me.


He turns to me from my shoes "yes"

"Don't any of you want to help Allie get dressed" I say

"I mean I could help her" Draco says

"Ok Draco and......" he pauses looking at everyone "Theodore help Allie get ready"

"Alright" they say in unison both leaving the dorm.

"Now change into the suit" Jake orders

I've learnt something today,

Never argue with Jake Evergreen

Because it will end up with him winning no matter what. Do I know how? No I do not but he just wins.

Allison's POV

I've gone in the shower and washed my hair.

I have done my skin care and brushed my teeth.

Now I'm in clean pjs trying to pick out what to wear.

That's when I hear a knock on my door.

"Allie can we come in" it's Draco

"Yeah sure" I shout

Draco walks in with Theodore behind him.

"Hey guys, do you need help with anything or why are you here"

"Oh umm we are here to help you get ready for your date." Theodore says

"Ok..... well I don't know what to wear. It's between these 7 dresses here" I say pointing to my bed

Theodore walks over and picks up the red one "get rid of this"


"You will look like a cherry" he says walking over to my wardrobe and putting it back in

"Well that's a-bit rude" I mumble

"What was that" Draco says


"Ok what about this yellow one then. It's cute and summery"

"No" they both say in unison

"Both of you sit down, you seem very intimidating just standing up"

"Fine" Draco mumbles

Theodore walks from my wardrobe and sits on Molly bed and Draco being the pedantic dick he is sits on the floor.

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