Dancing in the Deadheads (Newt)

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A new Greenie had come up today. You watched them sit by the fire, awkwardly playing with their hands. It was a boy about 14 years old with sandy blond hair. He could pass for a younger version of Newt, but he lacked the British accent and brown eyes.

You watched the ashes from the giant fire float in the air and their glowing red spark die out just before touching the ground. The boys around you were laughing and chatting without a care in the world, presumedly provided by Gallys secret recipe drink. You made sure to stay away from that this time. So many regrets.

Someone's firm hand squeezes your shoulder and you turn your head to either greet or kick whoever it was. You felt the heat of the fire on your cheek and a smile slowly spreads across your mouth.

"So I see either you found Gally or he found you," you smirk. Thomas swayed back and forth slowly and nodded after a couple seconds. He pressed his eyes shut and held up a finger.

"Actually, it was Minho who found me." Thomas opened his eyes and looked confused for a moment. His words were slurred and he didn't smell too great. "Wait I think Minho gave me this."

He held up his other hand that had a jar with a murky brown liquid in it. You shake your head in disapproval. Minho was handing out Gallys drink again. You'd have to have a talk with him.

Thomas sniffled and then was gone. He probably saw Chuck somewhere around and wanted attention. You could swear all the boys around here were like little puppies when they'd had too much of Gallys drink.

You were left to your quiet thoughts then, and you searched for the new Glader who apparently had gone somewhere. Maybe Minho had found him too. You sigh.

Another boy hopped over the log you were seated on lowered himself down too. You recognized the messy blond hair instantly. He placed his arm around your waist and rested his head on your shoulder.

You moved sideways and he sat up with questioning eyes. Taking his chin in your hand, you turned his jaw from side to side and examined him closely.

"Oh good, Minho hasn't gotten to you too."

Newt laughed and shook his head. "No, he did. I just thought it would be best not to drink that again after what happened last time."

"Agreed," you replied.

It was quiet between you two again and Newt balanced himself on the log so he could rest his head in your lap. You played with his soft hair while you both stared into the mesmerizing fire. The heat was almost too much, but you were far enough away you could tolerate it.

"Hey," Newt says slowly and sits up. You put your hands in your lap, already missing his hair. "Do you want to dance?"

You stare at him, waiting for the punchline. Surely this had to be a joke?

"Wait are you serious?"

"Of course!"

"But Newt, there's no music!" You frowned and looked down to your hands. You curled your fingers and relaxed them. You couldn't dance without music, right?

"Screw the bloody music. I have you, and that's enough."

You couldn't help the small smile that grew larger on your face. He stood up, bowed at the waist, and offered his hand to you.

What a dork.

You took his hand and stood. He pulled you to the cover of the Deadhead trees and swung around to face you.

Your hands wrapped around his neck and he curled his around your waist. You both swayed to the non-existent music but stared into each others eyes. You wanted to laugh at the silliness of it but you settled for a smile.

"See? It's not so bad," Newt stated and raised his eyebrows at you with a shrug. "And you're not too bad of a dancer."

"Better than you," you tease. Newt steps on your foot lightly and you glare at him.

"Oh I'm so sorry," he says with sarcasm.

Shaking your head, you look down to yours and his feet. They were moving in unison and you wondered how someone could be so perfect for you.

You rest your head on his chest and he places his chin on top.

"You're perfect, you know that?" Newt murmurs.

You laugh lightly. "That's what I was going to say."

"Really?" He pulls back and looks at you.

"Yeah," you nod. "To myself."

Newt rolls his eyes and twirls you followed by a dip. He leans down and kisses your temple before pulling you back up.

Once he does, you put your head next to his heart again. Everything was perfect as could be at the moment.

But that's what it was. A moment. Because as soon as it came, the moment was over and you heard shouting. You and Newt look up to each other with surprise and worry. You both race out to the clearing in the Glade where the fire still raged on.

Standing atop the Homestead was Minho, waving his running shorts above him in a circle.

"Bloody heck, he's going it again!" Newt exclaimed.

You rolled your eyes and rest yourself against a tree while rubbing your temples.

Minho was showing off his 'runnie undies' again.

"Gally really needs to stop making his drink," you sigh.

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