Anxious (Newt)

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"But what if they're hurting her?"

Newt sat anxiously, his leg bouncing up and down. He sat at the lunch table in WICKED headquarters surrounded by all of the other Maze survivors and test subjects. This was all a mess.

"She's going to be fine, okay?" Frypan reassured him. "Do you know how I know?"

Newt raised an eye to him from the ground. "How?"

"Because look around you. Do you see all the other girls in here? They had to go through the same things as Y/N and Teresa, alright? So breathe, man."

Newt thought for a moment but shook his head. "No I feel like somethings off. What if they find something wrong with her? Or Teresa? What would they do to them?"

"Newt!" Frypan let out an astonished laugh at the boys racing thoughts. "The only thing different about them is that they're girls. Just different tests need to be done for them, like they said, right?"

Thomas leans in and joins the conversation. "I'm with Newt. I hate having Teresa and Y/N somewhere else. It's like they're trying to tear us apart."

Frypan threw his hands up and leaned back in his chair. "Like tryin' to reason with a bunch of babies," he muttered under his breath.


Newt couldn't sleep that night. His thoughts threatened to consume him and devour his mind.

Then, the door to their bunk room opened and hands pushed Teresa inside.

All of the boys say up at once and twisted to see the door. Immediately Thomas fell off of his bed and scrambled to his feet, wrapping Teresa in his arms.

Questions were thrown at her from all directions. She waited for them to die down when Thomas croaked one last one.

"Are you okay? Why do you look so weak?"

Teresa furrowed her eyebrows and rested her head on Thomas's shoulder. "They just took a lot of blood is all."

Thomas began leading her to a spare bed when Newt stopped her with a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey where's-"

Suddenly the door opened again and the same hands pushed another girl in.

"Y/N," Newt breathed.

He rushed to you and slipped his arms around you. You gave a surprised yelp but laughed and hugged Newt back.

Newt pulled away after a moment and smoothed the hair out of your face. "Are you alright?"

You nod and smile to him. He puts his hands on your shoulders and looks into your eyes. "You're absolutely certain your okay? Did they hurt you or-"

"Newt!" you laugh lightly, surprised at his reaction. "I promise I'm fine."

You waited for his response but he just gave you an unsure look. You roll your eyes and press your lips to his quickly. His concerned expression changed and melted away to one of relief.

"Do you believe me now?" you ask once you break the kiss.

Newt looked back and forth at your eyes, shocked. He barely nodded, never breaking eye contact.

"Not even five shuckin' minutes together and they're already making out," Minho laughs.

Newt turned around to look at Minho. "No were not. What are you talking about Minho?"

Minho shakes his head and looks to his left. "I wasn't talking about you two."

You follow Minhos glance and see Teresa and Thomas. You start laughing but the boys apparently don't find it as funny as you do. Most of them groan and look away, or just roll their eyes.

Newt pulls you in for another hug. "I'm glad you're okay," Newt says gently.

"Me too," you say. You're about to put your lips to his again when  Frypan throws up his hands and let's out a loud groan.

"Not them too!"

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