A Fleeting Mistake - Ineffable Husbands

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AN: As Alex Kingston once said "Spoilers!" Don't go any farther if you haven't watched Good Omens Season Two unless of course, you want it spoiled.

"I forgive you."

"Don't bother."

The second coming. The words rang in Aziraphale's head as soon as they flew off the Metatron's tongue.

Crowley. No other thought crossed the angel's mind, he knew where he was. Across the street, leaning against the Bentley acting like everything was fine, like there was chance, just one small chance. And, there was.

Aziraphale couldn't count the times he had heard of the second coming, it was always the plan, part of the ineffable plan. For Armageddon the Antichrist was simply just the start, Adam had been a pawn in the way of the king, a long gruesome game. It was always meant to end with the second coming, the divine plan before the final days of judgement for humanity.

But. Even that couldn't hold Aziraphale back. He knew what he had to do.

Risking humanity seemed like everything, but somehow deep in his heart he seemed to know that with Crowley they might just be able to fix it and they could have everything they ever imagined.

He hadn't stopped to ask what Crowley wanted, but now it was obvious, his words, waiting leaning against the hood of the Bentley. It was like he was sending a silent prayer for Aziraphale to turn around and come back, one that the angel would gladly answer.

"What did you do to me?" Aziraphale raised his voice, trying not to betray the tremble that was a result of the overwhelming emotions he was experiencing. "You are supposed to be God's voice."

The Metatron stared at him, an unairy and unnerving robotic expression plastered on his face, Aziraphale couldn't help but notice how hollow his eyes seemed, "I did nothing to you."

"You know as well as I, that although I might have been cast from Heaven I can still detect a sin." Aziraphale huffed, backing away, not noticing Crowley's concerned look in the background as he started to move forward. "Especially one so vile as a lie from the Metatron."

Aziraphale's heart was pounding, he has never felt so scared, because he knows, he knows, that he may not be forgiven or worse, he might be taken away before he gets to hear Crowley's voice one last time. This was a peril he had never faced, angels were always supposed to be the peak of bravery but now it felt like just a facade.

The Metatron nodded, not seeming to put up a fight, "Very well. Expect the coming, you would have never been a good archangel."

"Why would you do this? Why bother going through all the trouble? The coffee? Everything?" Aziraphale's curiosity was grasping the better of him.

"Why are you doing this? For a demon?" The Metatron motioned towards the Bentley, casting a near evil glare at it.

"Because he is everything to me." Aziraphale stood his ground, a sudden courage coming to him as he thought of Crowley. "He is better than you, the other angels, or I will ever be. And he has waited, so long for me. I would never accept your offer over him."

"Good." The Metatron's stony look seemed so cruel now that Aziraphale had broken from his spell. "Did you really think we'd accept a traitor back into Heaven?"

"No." Aziraphale choked out a laugh, "I don't know why I ever did."

"God will not like this."

Aziraphale cleared his throat, "Frankly, I don't give a damn what God thinks."

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