14. I'm screwed

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"Hey, wake up! It's time to go to drills!"


I sat up and the room spun.

I groaned and held my head.

"What happened?"

"You drank a bit to much. You threw all over the lieutenant at the bar. You also cussed him out for the way he treated you."

"I'm fucked!"

"I tried to stop you...we'll worry about that later, for now, Go get ready."

My head and body hurt like hell.

I took a shower, brushed my teeth and hair, got dressed and out I went.

I felt Ghost's glare before I saw it.


Ghost blew a whistle and I wanted to die.

My head!

"Everyone. Push ups. Listen for the whistle!"

Oh hell no, is he doing this because he knows I have a hang over!?

I wanted to die as my head split into two with every whistle.


I wanted to kill him.

"LN! All the way down!" Ghost shouted before blowing the whistle extra loud.

After drill, I wanted to throw up.

"LN! My office!"

"Yes sir!"

I followed Ghost to his office.

Exactly where he said he didn't want to see me again.

"Sit." He closed the door and I sat down.

"Do you remember last night?" He crossed his arms and sat on his desk next to me.

I gulped.

"No sir."

"I didn't think so."

"Private Amber said I threw up on you and cussed you out...."

"Not in that order but yes. You also made a run for it and fell into a trash can."

"I apologize sir." I felt myself go red.

"You shouldn't be drinking if you can't control yourself."

"It was my first time drinking, sir."

"Even worse. You don't know when to stop."

"I understand..."

"You made a fool out of yourself in front of your commanding officers."

I bowed my head.


I looked up saw him get up and walk around to the front of his desk. He pulled out a Gatorade and walked back, handing it to me.

I stared at him until he shook the bottle. I took it from him and cracked it open, taking a sip.

"Thank you, sir."

"You won't make it 3 minutes on the field."

"I'd argue I'd last 5."


Was that a laugh or an annoyed grunt?

I drank more of the blue liquid and rubbed my forehead.

Ghost handed me a box of painkillers and I took one with a thank you.

Why is he being so nice to me?

"If you ever pull a stunt like that, you're done."

"Yes sir. I'll stay away from alcohol from now on."

"Or at least watch how much you drink."

I nodded.

"Private Jay Amber is a good friend. She took care of you the whole time."

"Did she?"

"Yes. She was a bit tipsy but she did her best. One person should always stay sober if one is going to drink."

"Yes sir. We'll be more careful."

"Good. You're still in trouble."

"Yes sir..."

"As punishment-"

There was a knock on the door and we looked over.

The pills and Gatorade bottle were taken from my hands, and put them in a drawer.

"Stand up."

I stood up and went behind the chair.

"Come in."

Ghost x reader: New Recruit Where stories live. Discover now