43. Not Water

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"Honey. I think you've had enough."

"This is my last drink." I told Jay.

"You keep saying that. You're drunk."

"Can I get another?" I asked the bartender.

She opened her mouth and then glanced behind me.

"Okay." She said and brought back a cup of vodka and I took it.

"Thanks." I chugged the cup and then frowned. "That was water."

"Your friend told me to give you water instead." She said cleaning a glass.

I looked back and saw Ghost watching me.

I let out a groan and held my head.

"Hun, come on. Let's talk over here."

Jay put my arm around her shoulders and helped me walk some distance from the group.

"What's wrong?" She asked.


"Come on! You know you can tell me."

"My dad is marrying me off to a 65 year old who smells and is missing teeth and is bald."

"Oh... he can't make you do anything. You're all the way over here. And he-"

"He can and he will! He'll come and drag me off."

"You're military property. He can't just take you."

"He use to be a colonel. He has friends that can do stuff for him. I'm sure he'd have me kidnapped and chained in a basement if that meant he got what he wanted."

"I won't let that happen." She hugged me.

"Thanks for trying. But I don't want you getting hurt. Let's get back to the others."

Jay helped me walk to the bar and sat me down.

I'm not to sure how or when it started but Konig began to hit on me.


"Um... thanks?" I laughed nervously.

"Ja. Of course if that happened, it would have to remain a secret from the other recruits. Don't want them shouting favoritism, now do we?" He put a hand on my thigh.

"Hahaha, help?"

"Colonel, she's drunk. She won't remember any of this I. The morning. Besides, any consent she gives now won't be valid because she's intoxicated." Ghost said and I looked at him.

"Yeah, no consent!" I cheered.

"You, stop it." Ghost gave me a look.

"Awww..." I hung my head.

"Alright." Price stood up. "I think we should get back to base."

Once back to base, Ghost and Soap walked us to our rooms.

Immediately, both drunk, Soap and Jay went at it on her bed. 

I looked up at Ghost and he shook his head.

"They've both talked about this before and given consent to doing it when drunk. We haven't."

"Will you at least sleep next to me?"


"I... this is probably the last time I get to lay next to a guy my age."

Simon sighed and helped me change and brush my teeth.

I laid on the bed and he laid next to me.

I listened to Jay as her moans got louder and breathier.

"I've been mean to you. Using you."

"Yeah." I cuddled into him.

He froze them slowly hugged me.

"I'm sorry, I just don't know how to treat you. If I'm nice, you might get hurt."

"No, my dad is marrying me off so it doesn't even matter." I yawned and fell asleep on his chest.

Ghost x reader: New Recruit Where stories live. Discover now