NSFW... still pt. 2

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(This is today's second chapter)

"Well?" Ghost asked, still thrusting. "What are you waiting for? Answer."

"Aren't you going to stop?" I asked looking back at him.

"Nope." And with that, he reached over and answered the call for me.

My eyes widened and I slowly put the phone to my ear.


Ghost started to play with my clit again, causing me to bite my lip.

"What took you so long?" My father asked.

"I... I was... asleep..."

"Why are you talking like that?"

"I just got done running five miles."

"I thought you were asleep?"


My eyes started to roll back as I felt the knot tightening in my stomach.

"I passed out."

He started to tell me off for being weak and stupid, but all I could focus on was the pleasure.

"Okay, I'll... I'll call you later. Bye." I hung up and moaned into the pillow before squirting on his dick. He pulled out, flipped me onto my back and fingered me quickly, causing me to squirt again. He just laughed.

He continued his hand work till I was almost crying.

"Don't get all whiny. You're not done yet. I have paperwork to do and I want entertainment."

"Huh?" I asked as he picked me up and carried me down the hall.

"Hey, I'm exposed!" I gasped closely my legs.

"No." He put an arm around my legs and pulled them apart. "Now you're exposed."

I gasped again and was so happy when we entered his office. He locked the door and placed me on a chair.

"What... what are you gonna do?"

He went around to his desk and pulled out some rope.

My heart was beating out of my chest as he tied my hands behind the chair and lifted my legs onto the arms of the chair, tying them so I couldn't move from that position.


He pulled out a black vibrator. He rubbed it with my slick before pushing it in. There was also a piece that rested on my clit.

"This is your idea of entertainment?" I raised an eyebrow.

"It sure is."


I felt the vibrations get more intense and he sat down at his desk to do some paperwork.

Orgasm after orgasm, black out after black out, he finally turned it off and untied me.

I was too tired to react so when I came to, I was in my bed, still naked.

Ghost x reader: New Recruit Where stories live. Discover now