a discord message

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●bad grammar

() if someone is thinking
[] text message/pov
** if I'm talking


If I get spell something wrong or it does not make sense please tell me and I will fix it

[3rd person pov]

("I'm soooo bored") Spoke thinks stretching the o ("hmm I should go check discord")
He thinks as he gets up from his bed to go over to his desk

[He has 1 new discord notification]

[Parrot] hello?

[Spoke] hi do I know you?

[Parrot] no it's nice to meet you

[Spoke] ya

"Who is this person, why are they messaging me? I don't know them" Spoke says rolling his eyes.

[Parrot] I was wondering if you were interested in joining a smp.

"I can easily take over an smp" Spoke jokingly says as he laughs to himself

[Spoke] idk

[Parrot] it's ok this server is different tho it's called lifesteal smp if you kill someone you steal there heart and if someone kills you they steal your heart

"That sounds interesting, a little bit of a challenge" Spoke says questioning if he should take the offer or not

[Parrot] if you loose all your hearts you get banned oh I forgot to mention it's is a YouTuber smp I don't know if that matters or not but you know

"YouTuber smp I wonder if this Parrot guy has a YouTube channel I'm going to search him up" Spoke thinks to himself as he opens up a YouTube tab and searches up "Parrot" he sees a YouTube channel pop-up with 8M subscribers "OH MY FUCKING GOD" Spoke screams in excitement, surprised that someone with that much subscribers is talking to him after all he only has 50k subscribers

[Spoke] that seems cool send me the ip n shit

[Parrot] ok 1 more thing other than the lifesteal plug-in there is something else I can't say tho so if you are 100% sure you still want play then I will go ahead and send the ip

"That sounds scary you know what, fuck it" Spoke says while thinking about what Parrot could be talking about

[Spoke] yep let's do this

[Parrot] ok..

*act like there is a ip and what ever else is supposed to be here is here because I don't know*

*Spoke put all the info in and as he pushes join he gets pulled into his computer*

This was fun to write I hope I got nothing wrong and I hope you liked it I think I will do more I don't want to leave you on a cliffhanger I know there is no punctuation marks I'm bad about that


for now.

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