what happened

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[Subz pov]

Parrot was sleeping on the couch passed out I think he fell from the sky because his wings were horrible they were red around his back he looked very ill

I look over to see vi sleeping peaceful on my shoulder, I was so fucking tired I haven't slept in 3 days and I can't fucking think straight

Then I see the time "3, 2, 1," and just as I say 1 I see the sun threw the window so I pull out my communicator


You whisper to Rekrap2: you up?

Rekrap whispers to you: yeah whats up?

You whisper to Rekrap2: come pick up your teammate he is passed on mine and vi's couch

Rekrap2 whispers to you: you found him?? We have been looking for him for on hour

You whisper to Rekrap2: yes now please pick him up

Rekrap2 whispers to you:I can't come but someone else is coming

You whisper to Rekrap2: ??

Rekrap2 whispers to you: you'll see


[10 minutes later]

*nock* *nock* I here a nock on the door and gently move vi off my shoulder and quietly go to the door and open it"where is he" the random guy at the door said with panic in his voice "who are yo-" I say but get cut off by the guy pushing me out of the way looking around and running up to Parrot sitting him up and hugging him "dummy" he says laying him back down and lightly slapping him then he walks back over to me "sorry about that umm, hi my name is Spoke" Spoke says "hi I'm subz" I say still confused about what just happened "Well it was nice meeting you" Spoke says walking over to  parrot picking him up and putting him on his back and leaving

[Spoke pov]

After leaving subz house I set Parrot down on a tree and attempting to wake him up "Parrot wake up" "Parrot" "HEY" "please wake up" I tried waking him up for 14 minutes straight and then I just gave up and just carried him back to the base

[10 minutes later]

When I made it to the base I opened all of the doors and carried Parrot inside and immediately saw rek "help me" I said struggling to sand up straight rek looked over at me and saw me struggling ran over took Parrot of my back and set him on the couch and I just set on the floor were I was standing "he is not heavy but carrying him for 10 minutes straight is insane" I said caching my breath

"Clown stop" I heard Branzy scream me and rek immediately looked at each other and rek started to run down the hall so I got up and followed

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