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[parrot pov]

"good night spoke" I siad opening the door gitting ready to leave "goog night" he respond half asleep I smiled and left the room and walked down the hall into the living room "hey rek" I siad waving at him "hey" he siad looking at me for a second and looking back at the couch to fix his pillow and I set down on the chair

" something is on your mind I can tell"rek siad sitting down on the chouch that he just made into a bed for himself "I saw them again" I siad looking down at my lap and my now shaking hand "you mean your old teammates?" rek siad sounding surprised even tho it in not that surprising considering that we are in a world with a border keeping us from going that far from each other and I was at spawn "yeah" I siad both of my hands shaking even more now

"hey it is ok calm down we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to" rek said trying to calm me down this is why I love rek he is an amazing friend and an even more amazing teammate I do want to talk about it I really do but I couldn't


We sat there in silence for a little longer "you know they can't hurt you anymore" rek said breaking the silence "I know" I siad with a tear now rolling down my face "you can't let them control you anymore you can't let them have power over you" he said in a different way maybe he was mad maybe sad I couldn't tell I stayed quiet I didn't want to but I couldn't tell rek

I start to cry "aww it is ok" rek says getting up and wallking over to me he hugs me tight I softly cry in his chest hugging him back my wings subconsciously rap around both of us we set like that for a little "I am sorry" I say as I remove my wings around us and put them back behind me and gently pull away, rek grabs my hand "no need to be sorry they did you wrong and it is not your fault I may not know the full story of what happend but I do know enough to know that they are in the wrong and not you" rek says

"OH MY NOTCH I love you parrot (as a friend) and I hope that they leave you alone and that you do not let them have power over you anymore but I have to go to sleep" he says walking over to the chouch or his bed and lays down I laugh lighly filling better now I get up "good night rek" I say walking over to the hallway to go to my room "good night" he says "if you need to talk im here for you" he says with happnes in his voice"I will" I say just reaching the hall

I walk all the way down the hall trying not to wake anyone up knowing it will be a little bit hard as everyone (mostly clown) is paranoid and wakes up by the smallest sound, I make it to my room thankfully not waking anyone up I open my door and enter then I walk over to my bed and lay down of course I could not sleep I stare at my blank wall fidgeting with my hands out of boredom 

I hear someone moving I turn around to see spoke rolled up into a ball and he started to cry so I set up, his knees were up by his forehead and his arms holding his head in the middle I tapped his shoulder lightly and in response he flinched really hard I jumped back lightly by his reaction removing my hand from his shoulder quickly but almost immediately reched for his hand I lightly grabed his hand and turnd his body away from facing the wall and let his head reast on my lap I let go of his hand and lightly brused my fingers through his hair he stoped crying and I finally started drifting to sleep


Draft (I'm posting all my drafts bc I'm not in the fandom anymore sorry)

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