learning what about this new world

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●cuss words
●bad grammar
●stuff not making sense

[] : messages/saying who's pov
() : person thinking
** : me talking
** : me explaining something

[3rd person pov]

Spoke wakes up opens his eyes blanking slowly trying to abjust his eyes to the bright light

He felt like he had fallen off of a very tall tree soon his eyes adjusted to the bright light he slowly set up

Then he realized he looked like his minecraft character he had black hair a back outfit with rainbow stripes on the sleeve of his hoodie and a rainbow lighting bolt in the middle full black skin a rainbow headband, bracelets ,and shoes

He was so confused then he heard foot steps coming closer

Spoke saw a guy with steve looking head gold jacket black sleeves blue hood, gloves, and shoes gray sweats enter what looked like a bedroom

"Oh your up" the mystery man said

"Who are you and were am I" Spoke said confused

"I'm rekrap, rek, or parker and you are in the community house I assumed you were new so I took you here I mean you did fall 18 feet" rek said with a little bit of concern

"18 FEET WHAT THE FUCK'' Spoke screamed

"Hey clam down you are ok planet he is a doctor on this server he came to check you out and he said your good" rek said trying to reassure the guy on the bed

"Ok I'm sorry for screaming I'm Spoke it's nice to meet you" Spoke said extending his hand to shake rek's

Rek followed Spoke's gesture and shook his hand "so I bet you are confused like a lot you pushed join game to a minecraft server and now you're playing minecraft vr but better or minecraft in real life" rek said as he set down next to spoke on the bed

"When you pushed join game your body went into a coma kinda it's like an AI controlling you but it is you when you die/lose all 10 hearts you go back to the normal world and leave the game in a way but you will have all of your memories, the memories the AI made for you, the AI will do things that you would do" rek explainind
*if you don't understand it's ok dw basically said all that so they would not be freaking out they are in a different dimension*

"So I play minecraft like it's real life" Spoke smiles

"Yes and you can even go back to earth as yourself but only for 10 minutes every week or you start dying in game and after 15 minutes you are banned from lifesteal until next season oh and there is a thing to prevent you from telling other people" rek continued

"How do you do that it seems cool" Spoke asks

"You are very calm about this" rek said surprised

"Why do you sound so surprised" Spoke questioned rek

"Normal people are freaking out which is understandable and yeah I don't know you but I'm still surprised" rek said laughing a bit

"Anyways back to your question in your pocket you have a communicator it will always be there no matter what happens, with it you can open up your inventory, messages people, see death messages, and so on and so forth" as rek finished talking he got up walked up to the door rek jesters at me to follow him

Spoke gets up stands beside rek and they both walk down the hall but they see a shadow of a person but who?

Hehe I wonder who it is🤔 or who they are🤭

I like cliffhangers lol

I am going to try to post every week either Sunday or Saturday depending on if I remember or not I know that is bad especially because how small the stores are😅

I made it on time!!! I was so busy writing a different one I almost forgot 😭

warped reality (Lifesteal Smp Story)Where stories live. Discover now