the fall

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[1 week later]

[Parrot pov]
I was laying in bed I finally convinced Spoke it's ok to sleep on the same bed and we can share a bed and it not be weird I only said that so he didn't keep convincing himself he was fine sleeping on the ground

But I is wired, for me at least plus I normally take up the whole bed because of my wings right now it's 3:00 AM and I haven't got any sleep

Fuck it, I quietly get out of bed as to not wake up spoke then look at Spoke even though I can't see him because he is completely under the blanket I quietly fly up to the sky roof open it and fly into the woods

at this point I've been flying around in circles for an hour now it is the longest I've flown around for I felt like I was going to pass out a few seconds later everything went black

[??? Pov]
I was sitting in the forest with my my teammate then we start to here noises from up in the trees we were not ready for a fight so I grab my teammate and we hide behind a rally big tree "if we get into a fight, run" I whisper to my teammate "no I not making the same mistake again... subz" my teammate says sounding like he is about to cry because of what happened a long time ago even tho it was not his fault he then he softy hugs me and leaves to see what the noise was "ok, I trust you... vitalasy" I say smiling then I start to run to the base to get materials for a fight

[Vitalasy pov]
I hug subz hoping he will go to get stuff to prepare for a fight all I have is a diamond sword and some leather armor because anything else is uncomfortable, most people wear leather armor unless they know they are going into a fight I check my communicator then open up my inventory see what I have then I see I have a strength position "yes" I wiser to myself then

I start to walk towards were I heard the sound and then I hear a loud thud and I immediately splash the strength pot and prepare for a fight, I walk closer and see an unconscious Parrot on the ground [the person parrot not animal lol] I run over to him to make sure he is not dead, and he has a pulse so he is unconscious or asleep but I  don't think he is asleep because he was not here a second ago so I pull out my communicator


You whisper to ItzSubz_: come back

ItzSubz_ whispers to you: do you need stuff to fight?

You whisper to ItzSubz_: no it's ok just come back

ItzSubz_ whispers to you: ok I'm coming

You whisper to PlanetLord: R U up?

PlanetLord whisper to you: no

You whisper to PlanetLord: ok I need your help "doctor planet"

PlanetLord whispers to you: I'm sorry but I'm so fucking tired

You whisper to PlanetLord: your ok go sleep, ok?

PlanetLord whispers to you: I'll try thanks, and stay safe gn

You whisper to PlanetLord: good night


[Vitalasy pov]

He better get sleep, ok now back to you I think as I look back at Parrot he doesn't look to hurt his wings don't look broken so I'm not that worried about him being hurt "what happened" I hear subz say behind me "I don't know I found him passed out" I say standing up with subz help "we should take him back to our base and in the morning either tell Rek, Branzy, or Clown" subz says and I agree with him

"oh by the way you stink what did you do?" Subz says, jokingly holding his nose "straight pot and it's stinks sooo bad" I say fake crying "your an idiot" subz says pushing me jokingly "and who's talking?" I say back at him we continued to fight all the way back

[They don't know who Spoke is by the way olny a little bit of people know who he is]

Words: 712

I almost forgot :D lol

edit: had to repost because I forgot to look at it and see if it made sense

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