new team?

222 3 2


●cuss words
●bad grammar
●stuff not making sense

[] : messages/saying who's pov
() : person thinking
** : me talking/explaining something


[Spoke pov]

I walked over to the door where rek was standing and with out saying anything we exited the room together then we started to walk down a hall

A few seconds later their was a shadow then two shadows the shadows started to look like people

Then as we got closer I saw a tall buff man dressed in a clown suit with black hair standing by him a shorter guy with gray hair purple eyes and a purple undershirt with black suit looking thing over it back sweats and some black shoes

"Hi guys this is the new player I was wondering if he could hang out with us he seems cool" rek said to the guys in front of us

"Rek don't be rude introduce us" the guy in the clown suit said slowly looking at me

"Oh yeah sorry my bad" rek chuckle a little to himself "this is Spoke, Spoke this is Clown and Branzy" rek continued as he pointed to the two people in front of us

"It's nice to meet you" Clown said pulling rek away to the point where they were out of earshot

"Hello" Branzy said waving to  me pulling my attention away from Rek and Clown "it's nice to meet you"

"It's nice to meet you too your name is Branzy right?" I ask him

"Yes and you are Spoke?" he asks

"Yes I am it is nice to meet you" I hold out my hand for him to shake

He shakes my hand "so could you tell me a little more about this server? Rek did not tell me much" I say as I gently pull my hand away

"You don't know?" He asks surprised but continues "so this is what everyone calls the deadliest minecraft smp because hart's are so important everyone is sweaty setting up traps and stuff so be careful" Branzy says with fear in his voice

Rek and Clown walk back over towards us "let's go to our base, Spoke you come too and we can show you around" Clown says as they start walk Branzy reaches for Clowns hand but Clown quickly pulls his hand away "not in public Branzy" Clown whispers but I hear him

A little while later Clown and Branzy are walking in front of me and rek "are they dating" I ask out of the blue rek looks away acting like he couldn't hear me but I knew he could "they say they aren't you didn't hear this from me but I think they are they are always flirting" Rek says looking back at me "by the way if you are going to live with us you are going to have to share a bed with our other teammate" rek says trying to say it without making it sound weird but it still sounded weird especially because I don't know this person and because... never mind

A few more minutes of walking we reach a mountain that Branzy opens with a lot  redstoney stuff I don't understand it at all but he seems to know what he is doing Branzy finally opens up a door that leads to a actual base I walk in after everyone else when I walk in I see...

Anyways who is it, guess you're going to have to wait and find out :)



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