XI - The Fountain

138 7 1

April 16, 2030

gone fishin' back at 6 or so

have fun my big strong man. i'll be home at five like always. bring us back a fish or it's frozen pizza again

Upon arriving home from Hannibal's, Will changed clothes in the back seat of his car. He'd told Molly that he was going fishing after work, and he had to look the part. He donned the vest, a roughed-up shirt, pants and shoes made for the water, and even a baseball cap. He then grabbed a bottle of water out of the seat pouch, and he hung out the car door while pouring onto his shins and his feet. It looked like he really had been wading in the lake for an hour, rather than chatting with a cannibal.

It looked like he would be having frozen pizza, since he obviously didn't have the means to bring back a freshly caught fish. It was an interesting juxtaposition: frozen pizza tonight, organic black-boned silkie tomorrow. He'd have to invent an excuse.

"I'm home," he shouted as he walked in the back door, "and I'm empty-handed."

Molly walked into the kitchen, hands on her hips. She was still in her clothes from work, as was typical. She usually didn't change until hours after she got home, getting distracted by small chores and taking care of Walter. "Damn. Shitty day on the lake? Wally will be thrilled."

"Very. Little fuckers just weren't falling for it today." He shrugged. "I'm sorry. Plus, I was kind of out of it."

"What's wrong?" She softened at this. Her rough exterior wasn't the only part of her, and when she showed that vulnerability, Will had never felt more loved.

"It's just...it's hard not to think about everything that went on. Chilton, and Lecter, and all that."

"Are you scared of him? Lecter?"

"I don't know." It felt like the first time he'd told her the truth in weeks. "He's an intimidating figure. And I still think he's guilty."

"I'm surprised he's stayed in town. You'd think he'd want to get out while he could."

She had a good point. Why hadn't he left? Sure, it was difficult to immediately upend your life and run away, but Hannibal hadn't even brought up the idea. What was here that he wanted to stay for?

"Besides," Molly continued, unaware of the impact her first comment had had on him, "I think we're the safer now than we could ever be. Everyone's got their eye on him right now. If something happens to us, he's toast. The FBI will know."

"I don't think that will stop him."

"How do you know that?"

"I mean," Will replied a little too quickly, "if he was able to kill all those people before, who's to say he won't strike again? Maybe now he doesn't have anything to lose."

"The best we can do is live our lives. Cautiously, but not afraid. That's what he wants." She put a hand on his elbow, stroking his arm. "We can't let him take over our thoughts."

It was too late for that. Will sighed. He didn't want to bear this for any longer. He couldn't keep the truth from her forever, and the longer it took, the angrier Molly would be when she found out. He opened his mouth, ready to spill, when the sound of footsteps running down the stairs interrupted him. Walter came clamoring into the kitchen, grinning.

"No fish? It's pizza?" He looked at his mother excitedly. When she nodded, he pumped his fist in triumph. Will missed the small joys that came with being a preteen.

"The fish knew that you wanted pizza, so they held back," Will said to him, leaning against the wall as Molly dug into the freezer. "No trout for this kid."

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