XXV- The Destruction

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April 26, 2030

Will and Hannibal spent the entire next day giving themselves a genuine break. They didn't allow themselves to think about the LOOM, Molly, or Jack for a second. They merely enjoyed each other's company, eating light meals and reading books and spending time in each other's arms. At first, there was a slight hesitancy between them, as neither of them know how to approach domesticity, but eventually Hannibal slipped his arm around Will and it felt just right. Will's body completely sank into it, and he leaned up against Hannibal to snuggle into him. They fit together like two puzzle pieces.

"Does this feel different?" Hannibal asked him. "Are things like this with your wife?"

It was always your wife. It was like Hannibal didn't want to assign a name to the person who'd stolen his love. "Yeah, we do this kind of stuff. But I don't think either of us felt this way. This...click." He shrugged. "Her first husband died. I think she still struggles with it sometimes."

"You both lost someone important to you. Someone you struggled to move on from. It affected the way you loved each other."

"Right. Even though I didn't know it at the time."

"You and I have an intrinsic bond. I don't think anyone could ever replace it." He stroked Will's hair. "And I'm not saying that because I'm biased."

Will smiled softly, but it didn't last long. "It's still going to wreck her. Losing her second husband."

"You know her better than I do. But wouldn't it be better to lose her now? To walk away before the situation gets too intense?" Hannibal asked. "You've already shown signs that you're changing. You two have begun to fight. Perhaps it would be better to walk away before things get worse. Before you hurt her in a more meaningful way."

"I guess, yeah." Will nodded. "That's along the lines of my plan, though."

"Ah, yes, your fabled plan."

"Hush. We're not talking about it today, remember?" Will lay his head on Hannibal's chest. "Tell me more about us."

That day, although lovely, was over. They didn't have much longer before Will was expected back at work, back at home, and they had to decide their next moves. It was evening now. The sun had set on their happiness.

"You may not care for this," Will said, sipping his wine that Hannibal had poured for them, "but I'm going to have to go back home."

"Correct. I don't care for it."

"I have to cover my bases, Hannibal. I have to make sure all evidence of our relationship is erased."

"And is there an issue with our relationship being public?"

"Of course there is," Will snapped, but when he looked over he saw that Hannibal was smirking at him. He was teasing him. "God, you know that."

"I do. I simply don't like having you away from me." Hannibal savored the wine in his mouth. "And I worry what it will do to you."


"What if you return home and you forget who you are again? What if you change your mind?"

"I won't forget. I can't close my eyes without finding you anymore." Will set down his glass, reaching over the armrest of his chair. He held out his hand, palm up, an olive branch silhouetted by the firelight. "There's no going back now. And I wouldn't want to."

Hannibal took his hand. His grip was warm and comforting. "What will you do at home?"

"Have a conversation with Molly. Pack my things. Make sure all my notes are hidden. I'm going to run away from my family." He blinked, surprised with how the idea sounded. It was so ruthless. "Leave them behind."

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