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Reyna Potter was not new to pain.

What with being abused by her relatives most of her life. And then losing her uncles, Sirius and Remus, along with many others. She thought she had become immune to pain after the final battle. She thought she could finally live a peaceful life with her best friends and family, the Weasleys.

That is, until she found out the truth.

The ugly, ghastly truth she wished she had known before.

It started when she found out Albus Dumbledore was still alive. Of course, she was shocked but presumed that he had somehow survived the killing curse with a protection spell or something and didn't really doubt it at first. Oh, how she wished she wasn't so naive.

Then, Albus Dumbledore started taking over the ministry, making new laws such as all people with dark cores would be arrested immediately. Even children could not go to schools and had to be kept in separate facilities.

Then, he banned people from practicing ancient rituals, such as Samhain, saying they were dark and evil.

Reyna had already become totally against his ideas and had expressed her worries to her friends, but they had just waved her away, saying this was all for 'the greater good'.

Fuck the greater good.

She had also noticed them having secret discussions without her. Like, when she would enter a room, they would immediately stop talking and act normal. 

It had made her feel even more hurt and confused of those around her.

However, it was the last straw when Albus Dumbledore accused her of being a dark lady due to the prophecy, the fucking prophecy, which said that she was marked as the Dark Lord's equal. He had began a worldwide manhunt for her, saying she must be killed.

Of course, Reyna had to run away and hide. Her "friends" had supported the old tart and were also searching for her.

Was that how strong their friendship was, that they could just easily resolve to being against her? Had this friendship been for nothing?

So now, she was currently in America, living in a tent in an abandoned forest. You may ask, why was she living in a tent when she had so much money in her vaults? Well, turns out the old coot had frozen her accounts and she couldn't just walk into gringotts to make a withdrawal since everyone had been keeping an eye out for her.

Locals had said the forest was haunted but she just couldn't give a shit. Turns out it was not.

She had also been feeling unwell lately. She would randomly throw up at frequent times of the day and her body felt weaker.

She just dismissed it as being the result of not eating well and constant sleepless nights.

Oh Albus Dumbledore, what have you done to the brilliant mind of our protagonist?

One day, when she was collecting wood to make a fire, she suddenly collapsed. She tried to get up but her body just wouldn't move. 

Suddenly, an overwhelming pain had took over her. Forget the Cruciatus Curse, this was much worse. Her body felt like it was being set on fire over and over again.

She felt a metallic substance come up her throat and immediately threw it up.


But why was it black? 

Panic rose inside her.

Could she have been poisoned?

She started retching again and more black-coloured blood filtered out of her mouth. She just couldn't stop throwing up.

It felt as if she was emptying the entire source of blood in her body.

She noticed a shadowy figure in the corner of her vision but felt too weak to move her head to see what it was.

It kept coming closer and closer.

She couldn't even bring out her wand to defend herself since it was all the way back in the tent.

Stupid me, why the hell had I left it in the tent?!

She had stopped retching now and just felt sleepy.

Her eyes fought the urge to sleep but she eventually gave in. 

If I'm going to die now, at least I will see my parents and uncles again.

A small relieved smile made its way across her face.

It just made the mystery shadow even angrier at her state.

The shadow internally promised a slow, painful death to Albus Dumbledore and his cronies.

She felt a cold hand caress her face.

"You will get your revenge, Mistress."  a deep, soothing voice whispered in her ear.

She hardly had time to make sense of those words before everything dissolved into nothingness.

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