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I was once again placed in darkness, but instead of it feeling airy and spacey, it felt tight and uncomfortable. I mean, there was barely any space to move around freely as more time passed. I would occasionally hear slight voices from the outside of my tight compartment, some female, some male. This all pretty much led me to the conclusion that I was inside the womb right now, honestly not that great.

Eventually, there was literally no free space left, I felt claustrophobic, and it was so damn hot. I felt like I was inside an incinerator. 

My little baby body, or foetus, whatever you want to call it, got so stiff of staying in the same position that I literally couldn't take it anymore, and I tried to move, slowly as to not hurt my mother, mother, that felt like a strange thing to say.

Obviously that was not the best decision to make because as soon as I tried to move my legs, I hit something, hard, and heard a little crack.

There was a loud distant scream and frantic voices heard from outside, making me wince, sorry mom.

Minutes later, I felt my compartment getting opened, there was a huge flash of light(making me shut my eyes tightly) and a steady amount of cold air rushed in, making me body go from feeling burning hot to freezing cold.

Warm fingers reached in and encased my body, slowly bringing me out of my space and giving my now uncomfortingly cold body a little bit of relief, however now I was outside I felt even colder despite the warm fingers and I had also tried to open my eyes a little, big mistake. The light burned my eyes badly, and coupled with the freezing temperatures, I let out a large cry, and since my emotions were unstable right now cos I was technically a freaking baby right now, it evolved into full blown screaming, and those screams hurt my sensitive ears so bad, I started screaming even louder, not helping my situation a bit. I never want to experience this shiz again.

"Congratulations, Mrs Potter, you have a healthy baby girl." The healer or nurse, or whatever, told my mother, although I have no idea how she managed to hear that over my loud-as-fudge screams.

Soon enough, my cries were dialled down a bit as I was wrapped into a thick blanket, giving me some sort of warmth, and only when I felt myself being placed into a pair of gentle arms and a graze of a small sweet kiss upon my forehead, did I find the strength to open my eyes.

Lily gasped as she looked down at the heterochromic eyes of her daughter, one a hypnotising  ethereal grey, and the other bright emerald, almost the exact colour of the killing curse.

Meanwhile, I had to actually blink my eyes the first few times I opened them, my vision a bit blurry and very watery, before a finally got a look at my mother.

She had rose-red hair, slightly messy and mucked with sweat but still beautifully falling to her back in gentle coils. Her button nose and soft doe eyes as green as the deep waters of the ocean complimented her overall image of innocence and purity. Which I would never have. Yet I could tell it was tainted with a bit of sharpness, bit of wit.

She stared at me with those striking turquoise eyes of hers, not a single word spoken. Though she didn't need to. Those eyes held all the emotions I had never been familiar to, disbelief and awe, protectiveness and serenity, and so much love no one had ever looked at me with before. It was a bit overwhelming to see at first ,  but then, unconsciously, those feelings wormed their way into my heart and mind, forming a clear picture I would forever remember, and look back at when I was older with sadness, at the time when I had been safe, before all these schemes of revenge and reconstruction had had to be crafted, but I didn't know that at the time, did I? 

Our little staring contest was interrupted as the door was bashed open. In walked in a dishevelled, panic-stricken man, his hair unkept, his clothes ruffled. 

He wore round glasses, the same as the pair I had worn in my past life, and then gotten rid of when I had decided to have a magical sight restoration session, perfecting my eyesight. This must be Dad.

"I came as soon as I can-I," he spoke through heaving breaths, me feeling a bit worried for him, wondering if he was having an asthma attack. But Dad never had asthma, did he? Wow, Reyna, you're so stupid.

"Is that our daughter?" he asked softly, his eyes settling on my small figure with wonder and adoration.

"No, I cheated on you with Sirius and she's the result." Mom cut in sharply, rolling her eyes at his dumb question.

He gaped at her stupidly, before finally getting the meaning, and walking towards the bed we were lying on, standing there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. At many points he reached out his hands as if to touch me but then retracted them unsurely.

Lily watched him before sighing and rolling her eyes again, holding me out to him, "You can hold her, James." 

"Are-are you sure? What if I drop her? What if-"

"Merlin, it's just a baby, not a bomb. Stop overreacting." She reprimanded him sternly, before I felt myself getting out of her gentle hands and into bigger, bear-like ones. Damn, how the hell did he have such long-ass fingers?

He looked down at me with amazement and shock, "Her eyes-"

"Yes, I noticed." She said matter-of-factly.

Dad continued to look at me with his wide brown eyes, held like that for so long that I actually thought they were paralysed, making me giggle.

He snapped out of whatever trance he was in, his eyes softening with warmth, a satisfied sigh coming out of his lips.

"Did you hear that?" he asked mom.

"Clearly, I have ears. So of course I must have." But even she had a soft look on her face as she gazed at me.

"Wow, Lily-flower, you're feisty today. Otherwise the past few days you were so quiet I thought your soul'd been replaced." He looked at her with relief, " At least I have you back."

Lily rolled her eyes once more, but a small smile played at her lips as she did this.

The healer/nurse came back into the room(me just realising that she'd left), her hands holding a clipboard.

"What will you name your daughter?" She asked.

My parents had a thoughtful look o their face, before Mom finally answered.

"Reyna. Reyna Adaline Seren Potter." 

Dad looked at her appreaciatively, while I was surprised. 

My name had been different in my past life. It was only Reyna Adaline, but now it was Reyna Adaline Seren. It was a strange change but a good one nonetheless. Things were definitely going to be different from now on, might as well get accustomed to it.

And if anyone were to see them now, all they would see were an ordinary, perfectly content family of three, even if the parents were fated to die one year from now, and the girl prophecied to be the greatest legend in Wizarding History. 

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