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An endless void of darkness.

Whatever I had imagined to happen after death, it was certainly not this.

I didn't even know what this even was.

I had just been floating here for what felt like centuries.

I didn't have a form, I was just there. A presence.

Strangely, the darkness was comforting. It wrapped around me like a mother embracing her  children.

I had wanted to see my parents, uncles, everyone I had lost during the war, when I was dying in that forest.

But this wasn't that bad. Not bad at all. Nothing compared to the torture I had faced with the Dursleys.

Before I knew it, there was a small light ahead of me. What was that?  It steadily grew bigger and bigger until it was blinding.

My eyes shut with discomfort, if I even had eyes. It was too bright. I didn't want that light. 

Sadly, I couldn't move at all so I could only anticipate what was to happen as the light grew closer and closer.

It touched me briefly before consuming me whole. Hmm. The light wasn't all that bad, actually. It was cool, and refreshing. But I definitely preferred the darkness more. Nothing could compare to that warm touch.

But then, the surroundings changed.

I was in now what appeared to be an office.

It was very dark, with shades of black and burgundy, but quite aesthetically pleasing. There was a desk with multiples of papers on it, arranged in a neat pile. There were also a couple of side chairs with cushions in shades of black.

There were several bookcases lining the wall, actually it was what made up the wall, with good-quality, elegant books. My heart jumped with excitement. I had always loved reading, and these books were practically begging for my touch. I approached the bookcases, and caressed the books, ah so soft and well maintained. I internally squealed.

There was a deep chuckle behind me. I whipped around to see a woman, holding a couple of thick books in her hands. She was bald, and had a lot of black tattoos lining her head. Her face was quite androgynous and sharp and she possessed eyes so black, they pulled me into another universe entirely. She wore a plain black robe that swished on the floor as she walked nearer towards me.

"Who are you?" I asked softly, something made me feel familiar with this woman, as if we were connected and I couldn't help but ask that softer than I wanted.

There was a flash of sadness in her eyes but it was gone before I could fully apprehend it.

"Greeting, my mistress, I am Death. And you are currently in the in-between of the two main realms of the afterlife." She responded.

Shockingly, I didn't feel any surprise, not even an ounce. I had seen enough for one lifetime, I was too tired.

Although one tiny detail caught my attention.

"What do you mean I am your mistress?" I asked, genuine confusion in my voice.

She smiled, "Well, you did collect all the hallows, didn't you? That means you're my mistress now."

No. This was not what I wanted. No.

"But I never intended on being your mistress. I disposed of the hallows except the invisibility cloak."

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