Chapter XVII

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John was a bit worried about Buck because Buck was acting like a frightened kid, and was acting like he's hesitating on doing something. Buck was really shocked. Buck was like injected with anesthesia, he wasn't moving and wasn't even speaking.

After a few more seconds, John realised that it wasn't the time to let Buck see Luna so he said " Luna, ahhhh... ", he was a bit hesitant because he don't know what would be the reaction of Luna, but still he managed to continue " I think it's not yet the time for Buck to meet you. ", he said it with seriousness on his face and a hint of worrying.

Luna nodded and agreed on what John have said " Yeah. I think he's not in the good condition of meeting me. " she said. Luna looked down and sighed. She knew the reason why Buck was acting like that, and she doesn't want anyone to feel like that because of her.

John loosen up his grip on the hands of Buck then he moved towards Luna and reached for Luna's hands, and said " Wait.. "

Luna looked first at the hand John and then, slowly, to John's eyes.

John continued speaking " Don't worry Luna. I'll make sure that you will never feel disgraced or never feel down because someone's frightened of you. I'll make sure you'll never feel that thing again. ". It was clear on his voice that he's serious of what he had spoken.

Luna held the hand of John, smiled then said " Thank you. ", and suddenly, she felt that her cheeks were about to blush. She immediately twisted her head away from John's sight.

John smiled and said " There will be a time that you will live with others without thinking about on what they feel about you. "

Luna's cheeks were like painted with a bright red paint because it was blushing. She just nodded without looking at John and walked towards the backyard without even looking at the back.

John smiled while looking at Luna, then he looked down as he twisted his head towards Buck. He was still worried about Buck and when he got his eyes towards Buck, he was surprised that Buck was snoring. Then he laughed a bit, and said " He was tired of being so frightened and thinking. ". He moved towards Buck and tried to make Buck sleep properly, but Buck was so heavy for him to lift up, especially he's on a wheelchair. He said " Ahhh, just stay there and remain like that. " then smiled.

Buck's left leg was on the couch while the other one was remained hanging, his head was leaning towards his left leg and his left arm was on his left lap and the other one was on the other lap, hanging. In simple words, Buck was zigzaged after John tried to help him sleep properly.

John moved backward away from Buck and looked at him in that position. He laughed silently and said " Sorry man.. " then continued laughing. Then all of a sudden, he heard something. A hard fall on the ground. He immediately rolled his wheels towards the backyard. While he was going towards the backyard, he remembered that Luna was there, he shouted " Luna! ", it was clear on his voice that he was worried about Luna. He kept calling " Luna! Luna!.... ", but no one responded.

And as he opened the door towards the backyard, he saw Luna picking up a wheel of a truck.

Luna noticed John was on the door, facing her. She smiled and immediately explained " I was just jumping around and I suddenly hit this wheel. Sorry... " then she showned a guilty smile. " I always hit on this if I'm jumping around your backyard. " she added.

John felt relieved and said " Ohh... be careful next time. I just place that there because I had no time fixing that roof there nor calling somebody to fix that. It's another cost you know. " then they both laughed.

After a few seconds, after Luna explained, something struck the head of John which made him blink his eyes. Then a memory appeared in his mind, and it was Luna, watching over him for a long time. When he's happy, Luna celebrates on her own and that is why the wheel he placed on the roof kept on falling. That was just one of the things explained on the memory he got about the things happening around him when he wasn't able to see Luna, or other unnatural things. He then realised that each happenings around us has an explanation which normal people couldn't explain. He said in a whisper " Small things we ignored to care, are the things we must focus on. ". He knew he will never forget this day, and this very moment. He continued laughing and talking to Luna.

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