Brother or Rival

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After their adventure in Scotland. Megan will adopt Maurice as her son.

Catherine is happy to have a big brother who could help her with her dragon attitudes.

Serena is happy to have a mature brother.

While Vlad is unhappy. Cas Maurice takes on his role as brother...

At the center, Maurice meets MOM about joining the center.

“What do you think of our organization? “M.O.M proposes to the young boy.

“I guess....And my dragons. I can't leave them alone. And they are suspicious of humans. This is likely to create panic.”

"Don't worry. We have set up special rooms for them.”

The black-haired woman presses a button. The screens show the suckers of Mauritius in caves made especially for them.

“They seem to be doing well. I think I can accept the proposal. Yes, I will join your group.” Maurice accepts.

“Excellent, Mr. Maurice Wild. Welcome to the Center. You are now a rookie agent.”

Megan enrolled Maurice in the Center's Young Agents Academy.

In just one day, the dragon boy became popular in the school.

Vlad was really jealous of his adoptive brother because he gets all the attention he wanted to get.

“Ahh!? This Maurice irritates me.” The young vampire hates the dragon boy.

During psychic education. The young agents play dodgeball in order to work on their agility.

Vlad dodges the balloons by breaking dancing.

(I bet Maurice is struggling.) Vlad thought.

But he sees that the young dragon boy is even more agile than him and dodges balloons faster.

A balloon rushes at Catherine. Maurice runs, gets in front of Cathy and stops the ball with one hand.

"Thank you Big Brother!"

His action makes the students cheer and it makes Vlad really angry when he explodes the ball in his hands.

Vlad hates Maurice even more from before.

At the cafeteria. All the young junior agents want to eat with Maurice.

The vampire boy sits a blank away and glares angrily at Maurice.

The rest of the day, Vlad hated Maurice even more.

The scene changes to Megan's bedroom. Maurice, Vlad, Serena and Cathy return from the Academy.

“So how was your first day at Center Academy? Megan asks Maurice.

"Interesting. I learned more from combat. Stuff on creatures I didn't know and help my comrades. The vampire boy replied.

"I'm happy. You had a good day."

“Yes, Megan. ”

The white-haired girl asks Cathy, Serena and Vlad.

Cathy describes how Maurice was at the Academy.

Vlad has had enough. He goes to see Maurice.

“Do you want to? “Maurice wants to know why Vlad wanted to speak it alone.

“I want to show which of us is the better agent. ”

"Who do you propose a duel for?"

"Exact. I challenge you. ”

“I don't see the point of a duel. I'd rather not."

"You are scared?"


“Without my winged reptiles you are a big coward hiding behind his dragons.” The vampire boy tries to provoke Maurice.

“My dragons and I are brave. We've fought against bigger monsters before. I accept. ”

"At midnight. When everyone is asleep. Let's go to the forest.”

“You will regret insulting my dragons. Maurice said angrily.

The two boys are waiting for night to fall. Vlad and Maurice make sure Megan is asleep.

The two boys come out of the room. Megan's cat ears are moving.

The two boys are in the forest next to the college.

“Get ready you ate dust. ”

"I'm not the one who's going to eat dust" Maurice gets into position.

Vlad attacks first with his fist.

Maurice blocks his fist and punches Vlad in the face.

Vlad charges in again with his super vampire speed and throws a flurry of punches at Maurice.

He dodges it and flies away with his dragon wings.

"Are you running away? I'll force you down." He picks up nearby trees and throws them at the dragon boy.

Maurice dodges them by flying and blows flames to burn the tree trunks.

Focused on the trees, Maurice hadn't seen Vlad behind him.

Vlad manages to punch Maurice in the face.

The dragon boy falls to the ground but gets back up.

Vlad goes back down to the ground. The two boys fight with their fists when their endurance can last for hours.

After hours, the two are out of breath.

Vlad and Maurice launch their final assault.

They temporarily knock out and fall.

The two boys on the ground burst out laughing.

“You do well in close combat.”

"THANKS. And you are really stronger despite your stupid side.

"Hey!" Vlad finds his comment insulting.

"Come home before Megan notices we're not there." Maurice suggests.

The dragon boy helps Vlad up and the two walk towards the academy.

Vlad and Maurice had no idea Megan was there. Hide behind a tree.

(I'm glad they're done making peace.) She wipes a tear from her eyes.

The next morning…

“Big brothers, who have you arrived? Make you feel beaten.” Cathy asks her older brothers.

“A restless sleep.” Vlad and Maurice say.

“Children, hurry up. You might be late.”

Selena and Cathy take their backpacks. Leave the room.

Vlad and Maurice were about to leave but the white-haired teenager stopped them.

She hugs the two boys.

"My boys. I'm proud you made peace. ”


“And you are grounded for three weeks to be beaten.”

"What?! You knew?"

“A mother knows everything and my cat ears heard you coming out of the bedroom.”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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