Chapters 5 | Plant the seeds

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Scara was with Kazuha in his room. Yesterday they got home pretty late and decided today they will have a little fashion show with the clothes Scara ended up buying.
"So, which outfit are you gonna try now?" Kazuha was on Scara's bed as the other boy was behind his wardrobe's curtains.
"You will see" Scara said a little irritated about Kazuha's impacience. After all, he got trough most of the outfits already. When he dragged the curtain, Kazuha clapped enthusiasmed. "I don't think that's the best one yet, but you can't convince me not to wear it least on my way to your shop and back" Scara said crossings his arms.
The boy was wearing a shirt, visible too small for him as it was looking more as a crop top. Scara saw the cat on this and as stubborn as he is, didn't agree leaving without least this piece of clothing,  despite Nahida's protests.
"I wouldn't mind seeing you in this shirt as long as it makes you happy" Kazuha stated, visibly happy. Scara blushed as Kazuha cleared his throat. "So, is it the last one?" The boy nodded.
Scara sat next to Kazuha.
"So, we have all this spare time, what do you wanna do?" Kazuha turned to Scara only to see the boy looking curiously into his eyes. The boy found himself brushing while clearing his throat once again.
"Maybe we can go to a park, is one close to here" Kazuha said smiling to the other boy. Scara felt the fireworks again lightning up in his chest. "Calm down, that's a friendly hang out." He said to himself.
"That sounds nice" he said trying to hide the overwhelming joy he felt. Kazuha smiled.
"Than get one of the outfits you just showed off and let's go" Kazuha said as Scara went again before the curtain to change once again. 

Kazuha looked across the room for a second laying on his back on the bed. He than turned his head to the curtain seeing Scara's feet as he took off his pants. The boy turned to the other side covering his face as it flashed through all shades of pink. "Don't be a dumbass, he may not even be into boys"  He said to himself as he heard the curtains being dragged open the following second.

"Well, this one is my favorite so I will go into this outfit if that's alright" Scara said noticing Kazuha laid down. "Are you ok?" The boy stood up and cleared his throat. 

"I am all fine, thank you for your concern" Kazuha said smiling warmly to Scara. The boy was wearing a black shirt with a white cat tucked under a pair of black short jeans with chains along their belt. Kazuha tried his hardest not to act enough to weird out his new friend. "My, this really be looking good on you, the hair and red cat tail make up really do be doing wonders to the look." Scara puffed.

"Don't act as if you never saw me in this fit" The shorter boy said in a mandatory tone, stealing glimpses to Kazuha. "You look good in your more casual one too" Kazuha lookd in down to his clothes."Heh, I will admit the gardening uniform do be looking quite nice too." Kazuha's heart skipped a bit. He was indeed the type to fall head over hills in just a couple seconds but he never wanted to admit that side to himself.

Kazuha than cleared his throat once again. 

"Than, we shall go, no?"


Scara looked amazed at the park as they got to it. 

"So, do you like it?" Kazuha looked at the boy quite happy to see this place again. Scara nodded walking slowly beside Kazuha. 

"Don't do anything stupid, don't do anything stupid, don't do ANYTHING stupid-" Kazuha kept repeating into his head as he felt Scara walking pretty close to him. He was visibly shying away from getting to close to the other people that were walking in the park and naturally gotten closer to Kazuha. 

The boys strolled through the park slowly as Kazuha and Scara started identifying the plants around.

"That's a beautiful beech specimen" Scara pointed out looking entranced at it's gorgeous leaves. Kazuha smiled. He found the knowledge and fascination of his new friend to be quite magnetic to him. He couldn't get his eyes off the happy look oh his face, almost like a child that just saw it for the first time.

Scara turned his head. 

"What are you looking at, gardener boy?" Kazuha felt his cheeks burn with embarrassment.

"Oh, I was just thinking about something and might've gotten my eyes fixated in your direction" Scara puffed.

"If you say so" He than felt his phone ring. It was his mom. "Oh shot-" he looked at Kazuha than to his phone. "If you don't mind?" He said waiting for Kazuha's approval. He nodded and Kazuha answered to the video call. "Hi mom" He said trying to not show his annoyment.

"Oh hey honey!" Ei said trying to drag her phone from her daughter.

"Scara!" Raiden said happyily as Ei took her phone and placed to both of them saw Scara.

"Oh, where is he at?" Yae poped into the picture while folding the laundry.]

"Miko, he is obviously in the park" Raiden hold her hands to the camera. Scara covered his face in embarrassment. 

"Nice fit you're rockin', son!" Yae added as she walked out of the cameras view. Kazuha looked surprised.

"Do you-" he tried to ask while Scara shushed him and try to hide him from Ei's view.

Raiden gasped misceviously.

"Is that your boyfriend?!" Scara's face lit up red. "Shit! Shit! Shit!! They saw him" Ei let Raiden down.

"Now, now, who are you with, Scara?" his mom asked curiously. Kazuha waved as Scara, having no choice, caught him too in the camera's view.

"Nice to meet you madam, I am Kaedahara Kazuha" Raiden pecked back in the view.

"Nice to meet you, Kazuha! I am Scara's mom, and who you see pass by was his mother. We are glad to see our son is finally making some friends-" Raiden cut her off.

"Isn't he his boyfriend?" Scara couldn't content himself, his face burning red.

"Raiden! Please can you stop?" He than sigh. "Mom, why did you really called me?" Ei giggled.

"Your auntie informed me you will join normal school this year and wanted to wish you good luck on your entrance exam" Scara's face felt down.

"WHAT?!" Kazuha didn't look too surprised.

"And she said she enrolled you with your 'said boyfriend', as Raiden calls him" Yae said passing trough now making the bed, teasing her son. Scara's brain stopped working for a second.

"Well thanks for that now bye mom, i am having a moment, bye!"

"Good luck on your date!" Miko managed to say before the boy closed the call, covering his face quite embarrassed.

"You do have two moms too?" Scara looked at him.

"Well, somehow yes- wait, what do you mean, 'too'?" Kazuha took out his phone and showed him a picture with him, Ningguang and Beidou. "I see now, nice family picture too" Kazuha put the phone back in his pocket happily.

"Yeah, any chance what your sister said had something to do with what was going trough your mind?"Scara felt again the tiny firework show in his chest. "Scara, do you like me back?"


WELP- I noticed the chapters are getting progressively getting longer and longer, hope no one minds ^^'

Word count: 1219

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