Chapter 7 | Give them some sunlight

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Scara waved Kazuha goodbye after a long kiss on the lips in front of his house's door. The boy was ecstatic after another date in the park that ended with them at the coffee shop once again. He entered the house and saw Nahida in the kitchen reading a book by some tea. 

"Hi auntie, I am home" The lady raised her look towards him smiling warmly than gave him a smug face. "What is that look for, auntie?" She shook her head closing her book.

"Oh dear boy, you thought I wouldn't notice? You've been going to dates with 'the gardener boy' since least two weeks now" Scara's eyes widen as he heard that. Nahida giggled. "I just wish you would've told me, it would've let me rest better knowing you are leaving with him that left that lip stick on your cheek last week and not some girl i knew nothing about" Scara remembered Kazuha got a lip stick for some pictures, he didn't realize he had it when he got home.

The boy frowned than went to his room, not before saying to Nahida that he didn't mean to frown and close the door behind him. Scara sat in bed  closing his eyes he than opened them when felt something in his poket. He put his hand in and got out out Kazuha's phone.

"Damn it! He must've forgoten at me when he tried out that pair of pants in the store." He than stood up and get out the door to the exit. Nahida looked confused at him. "That dumbass forgot his phone at me, I will go give it back" he said than without giving his aunt any time to give a reply close the door.

He went to the shop and knocked at the door. He knew it was past the closing time but he was expecing him to be in the green house, he had a feeling. Not hearding a reply, he open the door and looked for him.

"Kazuha, are you in the shop?" As he got closer to the greenhouse area he saw a cloud of smoke, not the type to signal a fire, rather... "it smalls as he is burning the damn dead plants" Scara complained to himself as a cough got out his throat. He than spotted Kazuha's silhouette at the balcony wanna-be. "Kazuha?" He asked. The boy turned a little surprised to see his boyfriend here.

"Scara? What are you doin' here?" The boy looked at the freckled gardener a little in disbelief seeing his red eyes.

"Well obviously you forgot the door open and i came to give your phone back..." he than paused scanning his boyfriend from head to toe. "Are you high?!" Kazuha looked a little too calm to him. "Oh my god Kazoozoo!" He said as the gardener tirned back to the balcony, not saying anything when Scara handed him the phone, not even taking it. "Are you listening?!" Kazuha let out another cloud of smoke than holding his weight on the railing as he turned to Scara.

"Yeah, i am high, not deaf" Scara rolled his eyes letting Kazuha's phone on his hands mumbling an 'this is unbelievable" and turned with the intention to storm out the door the boy, like awaken from his state caught his boyfriend's rist. Scara looked at him frowning. "Scara, can you gave me a minute to explain?" He asked still visible mellowed down. His boyfriend sigh in annoyment.

"One minute on the clock" he said as Kazuha got back to the balcony taking a puff from the cigarette. Scara got a little closer. "Why get high? I thought you were better than this..." Scara said with rumors in his voice. Kazuha sigh.

"Well, i didn't always, just since he died" Scara looked confused to his boyfriend.

"He?" Kazuha continued.

"Tomo... he died two years ago in a car accident" Scara looked a little sadden as he went on. "We used to date, he tried to race a lady that was going in front of him, stupid race- and she ended up pushing him to the side when she speed off after him.

"I am so sorry Kazoo, but naku weed isn't an answer-"

"I am growing it in the back of my house" Scara stood speechless, Kazuha's attitude changed in a speed of a second.

"You WHAT?" Kazuha puffed annoyed as he finished his cigarette. "You grow, illegal naku weed, in the back of your house, and you just casually tell me?!"

Kazuha put off the finished cigarette and trow the ashes in the trash can, too chilled out to care. Scara slapped his face in disbelief than felt a shiver down his spine as he felt Kazuha keeping him against the wall.

"Kazuha, will you stop this non-sense? I am seriously so done with you if don't-" he got cut off as his boyfriend shushed him.

"Shhh... see? Is just quiet,..." he pulled Scara closer and stroke his cheeks. The boy felt his phone buzzing.

"Kazuha, Nahida's waiting for me, dear archon what you have in mind?" He said his cheeks bright red feeling his lover's soft hands. Kazuha didn't reply, he just kissed his neck as Scara stood still. "Kazuha! I am serious! What are you doing?"

"You don't like it?~" Kazuha asked as he got his leg between Scara's, holding his look. Scara hold himself from having any reaction.

"Kazoo...Kazuha!" Scara said getting out of the trance slapping Kazuha's face.

"Ouch" the boy said rubbing his face. Scara frowned.

"I want so bad to brake up right now but i will wait till tomorrow when you'll sober up, since i doubt you will even remember if i do it right now, i wanna give you a chance to explain yourself on a more... awaken note" he said a little disappointed in his boyfriend's attitude. He stepped towards the exit giving Kazuha a glare before leaving. He didn't look as how he knew him to be. "Have a good night, Kazoozoo..." he said closing the door on his way out.

Word count: 1018

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