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After a long, rough day at school. Maya was sick and tired of almost everything

She didn't talk to Lucas all day, which was torture for her

She basically hung out Riley which was kinda fun

Maya walked home that day

Lucas had always drove her home

But he obviously doesn't care about her anymore

She was about 4 blocks away from home when it started to poor down rain

Maya cried as she walked down the sidewalk

Thankfully you couldn't tell she was crying thanks to all that raindrops on her face

She walked into her apartment, soaking wet and sobbing

She threw her backpack and screamed

She walked into her room and into her bathroom

She turned on the shower and stepped in

She continued to cry

"Why me"? She kept saying t herself

She grabbed a blade and cut her thighs

She liked to think of cutting as just bleeding her problems away

She stepped out of the shower, still sobbing as she wrapped a towel around her cold, skinny, fragile body

She was sobbing to the point where she could hardly breathe

And Maya had asthma, which wasn't good

Maya began to have an asthma attack

She searched her room panicking but she couldn't find

She remembered that it was in her purse.....which was in Lucas's car

Maya knew she would pass out....or worse

She grabbed her phone and texted Lucas

"Help me, I need you". She texted

About thirty minutes later Lucas showed up

"Maya"! Lucas called out "Maya"?!?

how to save a life » lucayaWhere stories live. Discover now