new beginnings

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Today was graduation day

The graduation ceremony started at 2:00 and all student had to be there by 10:00



Maya and Lucas sat in the lounge, just thinking

"What's gonna happen next"? Lucas asked

"Huh". Maya's attention turned to Lucas

"After we graduate, what will I do, who will I be. Being the most popular guy in high school won't matter anymore. How will I get money and make a living for us". Lucas said

"Us"? Maya raised an eyebrow

Lucas chuckled "Just my stupid life expectations".

Maya sighed "You'll find something, Lucas. I now you, you'll be something important".

"What are you gonna do, who are you gonna be"? Lucas asked

"Art". Maya replied

"What kind of art"? Lucas raised an eyebrow

"Everything". Maya shrugged "Books, Movies, anything art related".

"Why didn't I know about this"? Lucas crossed his arms

"I wasn't important then". Maya said "It is now".

"Oh". Lucas said, bored

"What do you wanna do"? Maya asked

"Film making. Directing. Producing. Something like that". Lucas said

"What colleges did you apply to"? Maya stirred

"UCLA, USC, and NYFA". Lucas hung his arm around Maya's shoulder "You"?

"UOP, UCLA, AOAU, AND NYFA". Maya laid her head on his shoulder

"We applied to two of the same colleges". Lucas said

"Yep". Maya nodded

"What are the chances of us going to the same one"? Lucas asked

Maya sat there for a few minutes. Tears began to form in her eyes

"What's wrong"? Lucas asked "Don't cry".

"I-I don't wanna be away from you. I'll fall apart. What if we go to different colleges. What if we have to break up".

"I won't let that happen". Lucas lifted up her chin

"I don't wanna grow up". Maya said "I don't wanna leave high school".

"Me either". Lucas sighed

Maya looked up at Lucas "But we have to, don't we".

"Yeah". Lucas's voice cracked


They had just called the graduating honors senior class of 2015, in which Lucas and Maya were both in

They were calling off the names of alphabetical order, one by one, kids went up and said their speeches 

Lucas was next.

Lucas turned to Maya

"You know what's crazy"? Lucas raised an eyebrow

"What"? Maya crossed her arms

"We came in here as kids". Lucas started "Now, we're walking out of here as adults".

"Yeah". Maya nodded

"Lucas Friar". They dean called"Maya Hart". The dean called

Maya sighed and stepped up on stage and walked to the podium 

"Students, Parents, Teacher. We're all here today to celebrate the beginning of our adulthood. I'm sure  everyones parents are here today, proud of their sons and daughters. My parents ... couldn't make it. My father recently past away, though I never knew him growing up. My mother ... well I don't even know where she is anymore. But I'm fine with that. I have amazing adults to look up to, an amazing boyfriend, and amazing friends that will stuck around for me. My life, especially these past four years of high school, have been pretty rough. My mom was ever there for me, she was always out with some guy. I never knew my father, and I don't think he wanted to know me. I met my boyfriend, Lucas, when I was eight years old. He was my first best friend. Around the age of 12, his parents noticed I was acting a little strange. So they did a little background check and found some things out about my home life. So they offered me to come live with them. Lucas and I were inseparable, the best of friends. Then high school came around. Lucas was the popular guy, I was just another loser in the crowd. Lucas did everything he could to help me fit in, and it was sweet of him. But nobody really liked. Why? I wish I knew. I fell into depression, which led to me cutting and other things. Lucas found out, he begged me to quite, he did everything he could to make me happy. So things went on. I was still depressed. I was confused about my feelings towards Lucas. I din't like him. It was more then that. But I felt lie love wasn't the right word. Yet. One day, Lucas and I were hanging out and I had an asthma attack. Everything went dark. I woke up in a hospital room, and the first thing I seen was Lucas. And as soon as my eyes met his, I knew what I felt. I was in love. He helped me out. I was slowly beaching more happier. Lucas and I started dating, it was probably the best thing that had every happened to me. More things happened. Good things and bad things. Mostly good. Know we're here. I'm happy now. I'm better now. Thanks to Lucas. I also wanna tell everybody about someone who is very special to me. Riley Mathews. My favorite teacher. Cory Mathews asked me one day if I had any friends. I told him just Lucas. He introduced me to his daughter, Riley. We clicked instantly. She was my better half. For once I felt happy. I could tell her things I couldn't tell Lucas. Then someone decied to rip my heart into pieces, they murdered her. They murdered Riley. I felt like crawling into a hole and dying I saw no point in living at this point. I can't imagine how her parents took it. She didn't deserve this. She should be here today. Standing here and giving speeches with the rest of us. She'll never be forgotten. So with that, these past four years of high school were sorta a living hell. But even though I've been through a lot in high school and I've felt like giving up a lot. I'm really glad I'm eyer today. I'm really proud of myself for not giving up. Thank you".

The crowd clapped. Lucas was happier then ever 

He was extremely proud of her

3  more names were called


"Lucas Friar". The dean called

Lucas walked up the stage, the crowd, staring at him. He walked up to the podium and took a deep breath

"Don't worry. You don't have to here another cheesy ass speech about new beginnings and shit. I'm here to talk about something far different. Love. Most of us find our first love in high school. I mean, yeah we dated in middle school. But our post pubescent bodies had no idea what love actually was. We just threw that word around like a toy. Turns out, I had been in love since I was 8 years old, it's just that I recently learned what love felt like, and realized I've felt it all my life towards one very special girl. Maya Hart. She's been my best friend since we were eight. For pete sake, she lived with me from ages 12 to 16. If theres one question I've been asked this year, it's "why her"? Why Maya Hart? Out of all the fish in the sea. Well here's my answer. It seems to me, that the best relationships, the ones that last, are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship. One day you look a the person and you see something more in them then you did the night before. Like a switch has been flicked somewhere, somehow. And the person who was just a friend, is suddenly the only person you can ever imagine yourself with. And that my friends, is How To Save A Life".



Well technically it's not the end. I'll be doing a prologue to sum everything up

This was a mini story. Most of my stories would have twice the amount of chapters then this

I hope ya'll enjoyed this book

prologue will be published this weekend 

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I'll Be There or Hurt

ily :)

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