Chapter 19

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The dilapidated and chaotic refugee area—Laser Street, is inhabited by a group of "rats", tents that are so low that they can't even stand upright, and people who can only be crowded in such a small and dirty place forever.

At least alive. However, it may be tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, who can predict it?

A sudden huge explosion only alarmed the surrounding "rats". Those guys in the distance didn't seem to care about such a life-threatening explosion. Compared with the explosion in the distance, the next meal in front of them is the real one the most important thing.

Will he be caught in the explosion and die, or starve to death?

There is no difference.

Zhong Yuanzhong also glanced at the surrounding situation, a little annoyed, but in the end he didn't say anything, and stepped forward alone, stepping into the range of the explosion.

I saw that in the center not far away affected by the explosion, a black and purple figure stood there indistinctly. The huge energy reaction around him caused the matter in the air to change and began to distort. out of shape.

However, someone who saw such a terrible scene did not panic, but showed a smile that was inevitable.

"Hey, you bastard, what the hell is that!"

A figure drove towards the center rapidly, followed by Zhongyuan Zhongya's roaring inquiry.

It's a pity that the person who was attacked didn't answer Zhongyuan Chuya, but just stopped Zhongyuan Chuya's attack with his hands, like a puppet, without any vivid reaction.

Zhong Yuanzhong, who noticed the abnormality, also retreated quickly, avoiding a huge scythe of the puppet at the same time, "Tsk, are you a human or something?"

"I suggest you don't ask him any more, dead people won't answer your questions~"

The people in the combat area had already fled and hid. Zhong Yuanzhong didn't expect that an unfamiliar voice would suddenly appear on the other side to answer him, but he was stunned for a second, and Zhong Yuanzhong found the owner of the voice.

It was a little devil about his own age.

"Who are you!"

Osamu Dazai raised his left hand, revealing his blue bracelet, and shouted word by word like an elementary school student giving a small report to the teacher: "Hey~ I'm a member of the famous sheep~ You can't hit me, otherwise Our leader will definitely beat you."

Central Plains was also a little speechless, but it was only as if the members who joined later hadn't seen him yet, and said helplessly, "Why are you alone in this kind of place, leave as soon as possible, this place is very dangerous."

Of course Osamu Dazai knew Nakahara Chuya, before he came to Yang, the information belonging to Nakahara Chuya had already been shown to Dazai, but——such a brainless guy is too boring, it’s really easy to lie.

Cursing his lips, Osamu Dazai looked sloppy, "Yes, yes~ You should keep an eye on the person in front of you, or he will run away~"

According to the information obtained by the Mafia, this guy who is suspected to be the leader of the previous generation always suddenly appeared in one place, and then caused an eye-catching big explosion, and then disappeared. This seemingly purposeless behavior has strong human traces.

Sure enough, after Osamu Dazai finished speaking, Nakahara Nakahara, who had just turned around and was about to attack again, saw that the originally powerful guy suddenly became transparent.

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