The horse, and the big dog.

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Hi, i'm lazy. Thank you for your patience though, ya'll are great. Thank you guys

Techno was quiet, the air was uncomfortably thick. Odin soon broke the silence, Techno didn't even realize Odin was there, Techno was too busy staring at his poor horse. "Ah, i see you've seen.. this, I apologize. When Thor brought the steed in, i knew it was too good to be true."

Odin apologized, his voice sounded sincere.

Carl happily trotted to the edge of his pen, snorting happily at Techno. He was a little clumsy on his new legs, but managed fine. Atreus walked to the pen, and scratched Carl on the nose. "Techno?"

"Correct me if i'm wrong, but last time i checked. He had... lets see, three..four.. ah yes, four legs. And now he has double the amount." Techno slowly turned his head to Odin, i mean. Sure, the legs were cool, but the thought of Odin daring to mutilate his horse, hurting the poor thing.

"Yes, that.. I see you're worried for his safety, but no one has hurt him. He's actually better than ever, so I gave him a blessing. He can now walk over anything. He is faster, more powerful.. a horse fit for a god-"

"He's mine." Techno said with a threatening voice, making Thor give a glance, ready to step in if Odin gave the word. Odin let out a small chuckle, nodding. "He is." Odin hummed, turning his head to Thor. "And you, you've done enough damage for the day."

The tone was sharp, and even though it cut Thor deeply, he did not let it show. Thor gave a small nod, turning away. Techno almost felt bad, but he wasn't gonna step in. He was still quite mad, quickly walking towards Carl and greeting the horse. Stroking the horse's neck and mane.

"Again.. i truly apologize for the inconvenience" Odin cut in, it sounded truthful. But it felt.. creepy to do this, Techno wasn't a stranger to magic, but this goes beyond anything he's ever known. "Its.. its okay. I'm just happy he's alright.. also.. where's his armor?"

"Oh, we threw that away."

"HEH?!- " Techno almost felt like crying, all those hours of mining for diamonds, waisted. Odin was startled by the sudden outburst, chuckling nervously. "We have something better though-"

"Does it have enchantments?" Techno asked, a little annoyed.

"Well.. not yet, but it's stronger, and his carrying capacity is larger.." Odin tried to reason. Techno took a deep breath. "I'm just gonna collect my weapons." Techno grumbled, Carl happily following him.


Family road trip

Atreus cheating on Angrboda with Thrud?!?! ;n;

Don't be weird @anon.


Where is Whinedall


Techno hummed, feeling the snow crunch under his boots, it was a nice feeling. But his body wasn't feeling the comforting chill, no. It felt warm and toasty, due to Odins spell. which made Techno incredibly uncomfortable, his piglin instincts were messing with his head. It felt like he was in the nether, he hated it, but thankfully the cold world of hel distracted him. "So.. why are we here again? We got Carl"

"We're getting another mask piece" Atreus explained, looking at the mask shard like it was a map. "And.. why?" Techno asked again, like a small child just being explained something. "Weren't we told he was.. like a bad guy, and not to trust him? Why are we helping him exactly?"

"We don't trust him, we're getting the mask for ourselves. So he can't use it against us." Atreus hummed out,

"Can you guys hurry up??" Thrud yelled, a few feet further. "We'll be right there!" Atreus yelled back. There was a pause of silence, but it was soon broken again. "Your logic doesn't make sense, why not go with the mask and get it for ourselves?

"Will you just trust me?" Atreus muttered, annoyed. "We're almost there." Atreus and Techno caught up to Thrud, they made their way through a gate. Seeing a giant wolf chained to the ice. Atreus's eyes widened. "Woah, is that Garm?"

"Who?" Techno asked, confused, but Atreus quickly continued. As the mask piece glowed. "I think it might be under him"

"Are you sure?" Thrud asked, Atreus nodded. As the Mask piece glowed brighter. "So.. you're suggesting we're gonna free him?" Thrud asked, Atreus paused for a second. He honestly wasn't sure, he turned his gaze to the taller pinkette.

".. yeah sure, we can take em." Techno said without a shrug,

Blood for the blood god



Blood for the blood god

Skull for the skull throne.

Chat started spamming, Techno grinned widely. As Thrud and Atreus started unlocking the chains. The giant wolf woke up when the second last chain was unlocked, Garm ripped the last chain out of the ground with ease. Techno took out his sword, ready to have a bloody battle. But the beast bolted away quickly as soon as he was freed.

The silence was thick, Atreus and Thrud sighed in relief, not having to fight something that dangerous. But Techno was disappointed, but Atreus soon felt the same when they realized the mask piece wasn't there. This had all been for nothing.

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