A glance at chaos

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Another incredibly short chapter, sorry i haven't been uploading. Been doing a lotta animation, and other story stuff.  

Ideas and criticism is appreciated, ty for reading this far. 

"Blood for the blood god"




Techno rolled his eyes a little, tugging his axe our of the draugr's skull. "How is that an L moment?! I killed him in two hits-.. bruhh, how dare i not behead it in one hit. My bad." Techno grumbled annoyed at the voices, Atreus looking extremely uncomfortable. Atreus asked about it before, and Techno tried to explain the best he could. But it was quite difficult explaining something like this without being seen as a lunatic.

Techno dusted himself off, turning to the boy. "So, how do we get to asgard?" Techno asked, wondering if it was even real. Atreus seemed to be looking around frantically, especially in the trees. "Usually when i wanna go crows show up and take me there.."

Techno gave Atreus a look, and Atreus soon glared back when he noticed it. "Hey, you told me you have voices in your head. Don't give me that-" techno scoffed "voices are a lot more believable than whatever you just said. Besides, you have them too!"

"I was literally taken to your house a few days ago!" "Could have been the wind" Atreus scoffed, but soon raised a brow, his eyes widening a little "i never told you-" "caw!" A raven chirped happily. "Hugin!" Atreus called out happily.






Techno huffed a little, walking after Atreus. He really didn't wanna think about Philza. "Can you take us to Asgard?" Atreus asked the bird, honestly Techno didn't blame Atreus for talking to animals. He did it too, with steve and carl. Techno stuffed his hands in his pockets. A few more raven's showing up. 

"Guys they're Raven's not Crow's" technoblade mumbled, watching some of the creatures begin circling him and Atreus. Beginning to get confused, was that really gonna work? Maybe he should stop questioning the weird little boy.

It didn't take long before there was a tornado of ravens surrounding them, Techno felt his cape fly behind him, he felt a strange urge to grab the boy and make sure he didn't fly off or something. Who knows how light he is, he sure looked scrawny.

The tornado soon died down, and they were both in a completely different area. Techno opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again. Clearing his throat. ".. i'm not even gonna ask anymore." Atreus had a little smug grin, a grin Tommy always had when he was right about something. Damn, little brat. 

The surrounding area looked quite beautiful, a cozy little village. For most people it would be quite nice, but Techno had a bad feeling in his gut. He hated villages, sure. He enjoyed trading like he used too, but so many close houses together. Reminded him of L'manburg. 

Techno decided to stay close to Atreus, the boy taking no time to look around, immediately beginning to run to his supposed destination. Techno walking behind, he was able to keep up without running due to his long legs. I suppose thats why Atreus runs so much. Short little bastard.

"Well if it isn't the little runt, i knew i couldn't just enjoy a week without you." A blonde man asked, holding an apple in hand. Who was this guy, some weird Draco Malfoy wannabe? The man gave this snobby vibe, it took Techno a few steps to be truly behind Atreus. The man looked up, now then noticing Techno. His smirk widened a little. "And who might you be fair lady?"

"Heh?!-" it felt like the wind got knocked out of techno's lungs, lady?! Does he really look like a lady?! To be fair, he does have long pink hair. But he wasn't that feminine right! He pretty much dressed like a king. And his face wasn't that feminine right?!

The blonde man's eyes widened a little, staring in Techno's red once. He let out a loud breathy laugh. "My apologies, your features caught me off guard. Are you here to see Odin?" He asked, his tone totally changing from teasing, to flirty, to kind. What a weirdo.

"He's with me, Heimdall." Atreus said annoyed, but also in a kinda proud tone. Heimdall's face changed again, raising a brow. He laughed again. "Right, right. There's no one, someone as him. Can be with someone like you!" Heimdall waved at Techno first and then at Atreus.

"What do you mean by that!" Atreus asked annoyed, crossing his arms. "He's a god, an Asgardian! We all hate you." Heimdall hummed out. 

"I'm not an Asgardian." Techno cut in, not even bothering to hide the first fact. He was kinda glad people figured it out on the first try. He was quite godly wasn't he? 

Heimdall raised a brow "you're not? But you're so-"

"I'm with him." 

Heimdall looked like he was about to vomit, Techno walked past him. "Lets go runt." Techno smiled softly. "Not you too!" Atreus whined. Not enjoying the nickname.

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