Not that crazy

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Sorry for abandoning ya'll, i was sad and couldn't write. Anyways love ya'll hope you are all well.

Heimdall blinked, pausing for a moment. Before clearing his throat. "Yes.. i am Heimdall, ya know.. god of foresight? I read minds?" Heimdall waved his hand a little, Techno gave a confused look, but due to all the different screaming voices, Heimdall couldn't read anything that went on in Techno's mind, any hint of emotion was covered up by countless chattering.

"I'm more into Greek mythology to be honest." Techno explained with a hum, Heimdalls expresion turned sour for a second, he inhaled sharply. "Right, well. I suppose i can't blame you for not being informed properly, seeing the company you keep." Heimdall closed his eyes for a second, numbing his brain from the overwhelming noise of everything.

"Ah.. wait you mean Atreus?" Techno asked, a little surprised. Heimdall cleared his throat, continuing. "But now you know, i know your every move, every intention, every single thought you have going on. So explain, piglin. Why is your mind so inhumanly chaotic?" Heimdall tilted his head.

He knows!


Not poggers


Scatter everyone!! 

"Excuse me?" Heimdall asked, catching the swift sound of the insult, Techno let out a small snort, before shaking his head. "That wasn't me! They're not my thoughts, they're uh.. honestly i don't know, they're just voices in my head. I call em chat." 

"So you're insane?" Heimdall asked, crossing his arms. "No-" it did make sense though, no one had so many different sounds and thoughts in their head, it was simply too.. exhausting. Heimdall let out a sigh, great. The one person that actually seems to not have ill intend, is a maniac. "Seems exhausting." 

"It is, well. We're in the same boat i guess." Techno hummed, making Heimdall raise a brow. Before Heimdall could ask, Techno explained. "You hear them too, right? Plus everyone else's thoughts." Techno gave a small shrug "seems like a tiresome power" 

"I'm a god, i don't get tired." Heimdall said annoyed with a smirk. Techno let out a small chuckle.


I miss boy 


Hey Techno, i really love your streams and they always make me feel better <3

Kill him 

"Well, as much as i'd love to hear more about your insanity. I have a job to do, and please. Try not to influence my cat with your bad behavior and thoughts." Heimdall hummed, cutting the conversation short, what a shame. Techno was just about to ask for information about Carl. Speaking of Carl, Techno should really find him. 

They soon parted ways, Techno moved further into town. Most Einherjar, or valkaries stared or gave looks while passing. But Techno thought nothing of it, Techno decided that the best place to start finding information (by rpg laws) was a tavern, or any kind of bar. And because this was a land full of alcoholics, he soon found one. Walking inside, chat was almost covered by yelling, talking and drinking. Techno wanted to walk further inside, but was stopped.

Techno raised a brow, but noticed a table full of weapons.. ah, Techno took off all his weapons.. besides the knife hidden in his boot, and maybe a couple of other things. And soon walked inside, trying his best not to bump into anyone

It was loud, Einherjar, or as Techno liked to call em. The striped folk, were drinking, clanking their mead cups together, Techo kept stumbling a little because of the amount of times people walked over his cape, he slowly made his way through the crowd a bit, walking towards one of the servants. An Aesir woman, who was serving drinks and food, Techno cleared his throat a bit, before speaking.

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