Don't Wake Knocky

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LordOfDarkness666 has updated his status, 'Knockout, I need you in the bridge, now.'

Screamer666; I don't think he's online...

LordOfDarkness666; How can you tell? 

Screamer666; There's a little bar on the left that says everyone's usernames, and if they have a green dot next to theirs, that means they're online. And Knockout's doesn't have a green dot next to his. 

LordOfDarkness666; Huh...Breakdown, where's Knockout?

ToughestWrecker666; He's with me

LordOfDarkness666; Well tell him I need him in the bridge

ToughestWrecker666; No can do

Screamer666; Why not?

ToughestWrecker666; Bud is knocked out

RocknRoll; Ha! That's funny!


RocknRoll; What...?

SilentSlender666; Extremely low comedy...

LordOfDarkness666; Just wake him up

ToughestWrecker666; I tried -_-

Screamer666; And?

ToughestWrecker666; He's not moving...

Hacker101; Is he dead?! 


ToughestWrecker666; -_- 

ToughestWrecker666; no he's not dead

LordOfDarkness666; Then you come over here

ToughestWrecker666; I can't...

LordOfDarkness666; Why the scrap not?!

ToughestWrecker666; He's lying on top of me and if I try to move he might snap at me...

RocknRoll; Aw, that's cute ♡

ToughestWrecker666; Shut up

LordOfDarkness666; Ugh, Starscream get over here then!

Screamer666; What?! I have off today!

LordOfDarkness666; You're second in command, you don't get to take off!

Screamer666; You said I could before I became second in command!

LordOfDarkness666; Well I lied!

Screamer666; I still have to come?

LordOfDarkness666; YES!

Screamer666; ugh

Screamer666 has left the chat

LordOfDarkness666 has left the chat

2Wheels4life; Are you really that scared of Knockout though?

ToughestWrecker666; Yes! When he gets mad, he gets mad

RocknRoll; Hey Breakdown? 

ToughestWrecker666; What?

RocknRoll; Does Knockout have his phone on him? 👀

ToughestWrecker666; yes...

RocknRoll; Where is it?

ToughestWrecker666; ...Next to his leg...YOU WOULDN'T DARE!

RocknRoll; ;)

Hacker101; What?

RocknRoll; Is it on vibrate??? :)

ToughestWrecker666; Don't you dare! 

RocknRoll; Ahem, Don'tTouchMyFinish666!!!!!

ToughestWrecker666; I swear to Primus, Miko!

RocknRoll; Don'tTouchMyFinish666

RocknRoll; Don'tTouchMyFinish666

RocknRoll; Don'tTouchMyFinish666

RocknRoll; Don'tTouchMyFinish666

RocknRoll; Don'tTouchMyFinish666

RocknRoll; Don'tTouchMyFinish666

RocknRoll; Don'tTouchMyFinish666

RocknRoll; Don'tTouchMyFinish666

RocknRoll; Don'tTouchMyFinish666

RocknRoll; Don'tTouchMyFinish666

RocknRoll; Don'tTouchMyFinish666

RocknRoll; Don'tTouchMyFinish666

RocknRoll; Don'tTouchMyFinish666

RocknRoll; Don'tTouchMyFinish666

ToughestWrecker666 has left the chat


Breakdown tried to reach for Knockout's phone, which was vibrating the berth every two seconds. But was very careful not to move too much for Knockout was lying on top of him. 

He almost got a hold of the tip until Knockout moved. Breakdown froze, not wanting to wake him because of how cranky he gets in the morning. But luckily he was still asleep. 

Breakdown tried to reach for Knockout's phone again. But this time was interrupted by a light. It wasn't the hallway lights reflecting into the room, or the lights that were stuck to the ceiling, but a light that came from right in front of him. Breakdown moved his hand away from Knockout's phone in fear that it was his sparkmate waking up. 

He looked down at Knockout and noticed his optics were open. 

Knockout turned, having his back struts against Breakdown's frame, then suddenly sat up. 

Knockout turned his helm down towards his phone and saw notification after notification appear on the screen. 

"Ima kill her," Knockout said facing away from Breakdown. 

Breakdown looked at the small red con that sat between his legs. 

"During a truce?" Breakdown said sitting up and wrapping his servos around Knockout's small waist from behind. 

"We all know this truce isn't going to last long," Knockout answered, looking at Miko's text as they continued to come in. 

"Maybe," Breakdown said moving his right hand to Knockout's chest and pushing down, making Knockout lay back on top of him. 

"But you still look tired," Breakdown finished as they were both laying back down on their berth. 

"You're just saying that 'cause I'm keeping you warm," Knockout said turning so his frame was on Breakdown's. 

"Maybe," Breakdown said wrapping a servo around him. 

Knockout let out a small smile before he laid his helm back down on Breakdown's chest, falling asleep quickly. 

Breakdown was relieved he could calm Knockout down before he blew. But just in case, he grabbed Knockout's phone and put it on silent. 


ToughestWrecker666 has logged back in

RocknRoll; Is he mad???

ToughestWrecker666; Nope

RocknRoll; Dang it!

Hacker101; Why do you want him mad? You know he would have just wanted to kill you, right?

RocknRoll; Yeah I know...but it'll be interesting to see if Knockout would actually come to our base. 

DragonKing666; You're so stupid

RocknRoll; :*(

RocknRoll; Oh! That reminds me! I can bother Pred since it's been 24 hours!!!!!!!!

DragonKing666; Oh gosh

DragonKing666 has left the chat

RocknRoll; Heyyy---

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