Two Truths and a Lie

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Helper#3 has updated his status, 'I'm backkkkkkkkk!'


Screamer666; Oh come on! Didn't we just get rid of this troll guy?!

Helper#3; Troll?

NerdAlert; Yeah, some guy hacked into our chat and made us play this stupid game...

Helper#3; Huh...was it something with bringing you all together?

Mr. Worthless; Yeah, why, do you know him?

Helper#3; No


iNeededThat; -_-

EatMyDust; bruh...

Helper#3; Well anyway, I came in here cause I wanted to play a game!

Classified#293; Please, not another game!

JuneDarby; I agree, I think we need to lay off of the games for a while.

RocknRoll; Oh come on, don't be boring!

2Wheels4life; Don't tell me you're ready for another game?! I mean I almost lost my frickin arm for crying out loud!

RocknRoll; Yeah but this one isn't with a creepy troll who can hurt us. It's with Helper#3!

Helper#3; Yeah!


LastPrime; I still think this is a bad idea.

Explosives539; Well mine as well play! It's not like we have anything better to do!

Helper#3; Great! The game is Two Truths and a Lie!

RocknRoll; Rock on!!!!!! I wanted to play that game with you guys for months!!!!!!

Screamer666; Great...

Helper#3; Alright! Let's get right into it! I'll spin a wheel to decide who goes first!

AutobotJet; This should be interesting...

Helper#3; Also heads up, only 5 people are going to be randomly chosen for this game, just cause I got to go soon! Anyway, Magnus is first!!!

Magnus; Really?

Helper#3; Yep :)

Magnus; Ugh, so what am I supposed to be doing?

SilentSlender666; -_-

Screamer666; Even the emotionless con is disappointed...

EatMyDust; Yeah Magnus, what the heck man?

Magnus; Well I'm sorry I don't know how to play a stupid useless game!

StingerBee; But the instructions to play the game is the title...

Magnus; what, you guys try to guess my lie?

EatMyDust; Uh duh!

Magnus; Don't start with me, Smokescreen!

ConWrecker; Let's just play guys.

RocknRoll; Yeah, what Bulk said!

Magnus; Fine.

Magnus; 1) I'm Optimus's brother. 2) The matrix of leadership declined me to become a Prime. 3) I served with Mirage before coming here on Earth.


Don'tTouchMyFinish666; Not even going to lie, it would be funny if the 2nd option was a truth.

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