I Think We Got Ourselves A Racer

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RocknRoll has updated their status, 'Sooo, it's been exactly a year...how's Breakdown?'

ToughestWrecker666; Fine...

Iam16; Oh! You're alive?

ToughestWrecker666; Yeah

GlassesBoy; But you were completely crushed when we last saw you...

ToughestWrecker666; Yeah, Knockout brought me back to life like 10 months ago

Iam16; Oh...

RocknRoll; Where is Knockout anyway?

ToughestWrecker666; Drive? Or race? I'm not entirely sure

EatMyDust; Wait, you don't know where your own sparkmate is?

ToughestWrecker666; You don't even have one, so be quiet

EatMyDust; :*(

SilentSlender666; Depression

Magnus; Someone came back with an attitude... 

Screamer666; Lol

GlassesBoy; Soundwave! Can you pleaseee change my username back????

SilentSlender666; Nope

GlassesBoy; Oh come on! It's been like forever! I can't stand this name!

SilentSlender666; Too bad

Iam16; Just change it yourself...

GlassesBoy; I can't! I'm locked out!

Iam16; Then just hack into it

GlassesBoy; I tried to! But it keeps showing this!

GlassesBoy; I tried to! But it keeps showing this!

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Screamer666; Ha!

GlassesBoy; And I'm not stupid...

Blitz666; If you tried multiple times to change your username and you kept getting that note, that means you're stupid

GlassesBoy; Does not!

SilentSlender666; I mean...

DragonKing666; What's the big deal with your username anyway?

GlassesBoy; It's GlassesBoy! That's terrible!

DragonKing666; ...but you're a boy...who wears glasses...

Screamer666; That's what we're saying!

GlassesBoy; Okay, yeah! But the username is just rude!

SilentSlender666; No, it's the truth

LordOfDarkness666 has logged back in

LordOfDarkness666; Where the scrap is Knockout?!

RocknRoll; Why do I feel like you guys are always looking for Knockout...

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