8. weak

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The cab ride was silent, his hand firmly in mine, heat simmering between us. We were both grinning, staring forwards.

"This is what it was like," he murmured, looking at our joined hands. "Exactly like this."

"It's not fair," I whispered as the cab halted, "You got to practice."

"I'm sorry," he smiled, pulling me out of the cab, "Do you remember this?"

We stood in front of the hotel, looking up at the glass windows. I liked counting the number of rooms with the lights on, seeing if anyone was awake and stirring. Seeing what they were watching on TV.

"I don't," I winced, and he wrapped an arm around my back, settling a hand on my hip. "Did you kiss me here?"

He broke into a smile, nodding quickly.

"Like this," he mumbled, leaning down to ghost his lips over mine. I could barely feel him, just the warmth burning off his lips. He emptied my mind, letting me float in the black vacuum while I felt his lips move against me. My nose was numb.

"Just take me upstairs," I said, whiny and shaking.

He laughed, "You said that too."

"God," I blushed, "That's embarrassing."

"No," he opened the door for me, "I was teasing you. It's what I wanted."

I gasped, "This really isn't fair. You know all of my weaknesses already."

"Not all of them," he shook his head innocently, pink lips pressed into a line. His eyes looked determined to find all my weak points, and break them. Pull them from the corners of my heart. I wanted to lay out in front of him, naked, and point; Here, here, and here.

He kissed me in the elevator, fumbling to press twelve, accidentally pressing ten and eleven. The doors opened and closed, but he shamelessly kept his lips locked on mine, hands sprawled over my back. The hallways were empty, but I didn't care who saw. It was the freedom of newness, the emptiness and clarity. He and I were completely perfect, intertwined as we rose together, up and up, dizzy and defying gravity.

"You grabbed my ass in the elevator," he whispered, "I jumped."

I laughed, letting him guide me to his room. It felt familiar, but nothing triggered any sort of specific memory. He fished his keycard from his pocket, his thumb tracing the plastic edge.

"Are you sure you want to come in?" He watched me closely, stroking my hair, following where it fell over my shoulder. "You can change your mind."

I nodded. He waited, eyes flicking between mine.

"I want to come in," I breathed. "I want to fuck you."

Something deepend behind his eyes, and he pressed a hurried kiss to my lips.

"You can change your mind," he repeated absently, and unlocked the door. I stepped inside, watching him toss his coat in the closet. He stood in front of me, dragging his knuckles over my cheek and down my neck slowly. It was dark, and he didn't move to turn on the lights. He took off my coat, and held my hips firmly. I breathed slowly, head spinning as I looked around the room.

"You alright?" he asked, frowning. I nodded.

"I think..." I shook my head, feeling confused, "I think I remember being here."

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