20. year

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"Good morning," he chirped, startling me. I dropped the glass I was washing in the sink. He laughed, apologetic as he rushed to my side, stroking my back. "Sorry, sweetheart."

"I'm not used to you being home yet," I laughed shakily, flicking water off my hands.

"Get used to it," he grinned, kissing my cheek. He lingered in my flushed skin, sighing. I wrapped my arms around his neck, letting water drip from my fingertips onto his back. The sink trickled in the background, forgotten.

"I'm warming to it," I pulled my cheek from him, looking at his bedhead and tired smile.

"You'd better," he teased, "It's my house, after all."

I frowned, "This is my apartment."

"Why's it full of my stuff, then?" He raised an eyebrow, pointing at his glasses in the sink. Gesturing to his guitars, his paintings, his rugs.

"You were homeless," I reminded him, "And I took you in." He kissed me with a laugh. My skin sang for his touch.

"That's a stretch, darling," he rolled his eyes, turning off the sink. "You practically begged me to move in with you."

"I don't even really remember asking you to move in," I smoothed the front of his t-shirt, tilting my head to the side. "I think you just slowly took over my home."

He opened his mouth, pausing. His brown eyes rolled to the side, then shut.

"I can't argue that."

I giggled, "It's okay. I like you here."

"Good," he smirked, then turned, grabbing his keys from the counter. "You coming?"

"Oh," I crossed my arms, "Are we going somewhere?"

"Looks like it," he opened the front door, striding down the stairs. I chased after him, as I always did.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Here we are," he stopped the car, throwing it into park. He got out, sprinting to my side to open my door. I laughed as he bowed low, waiting for me to exit the vehicle.

"Pretty early for a drink, don't you think?" I laughed, taking his hand as we walked towards the bar.

He dropped his jaw, looking at me in shock. "You don't know what day it is, do you?"

I stopped walking. He tugged my arm, but I planted my feet.

"Am I allowed to say Monday?" I whispered. His jaw fell wider.

"Let me jog your memory," he let go of my hand, stepping backwards until his back met the brick of the bar. He ran his hands through his hair, brushing his curls over his forehead and tucking a stray strand behind his ear. He took a cigarette from his coat pocket, letting it hang from his lip as he stared at me, waiting.

I gasped, "Was it a year ago already?"

"No, no, you asked if you could have a cigarette," he winked, pulling out his lighter. "Yes, darling, it was a year ago I saw you for the first time."

I walked towards him, dragging my heels. "Look at you, all sentimental."

He scrunched up his nose, lighting his cigarette. "Don't tease me for reminiscing about the greatest day of my life."

"Ew," I giggled, but tucked my head into his shoulder. It cradled me there as he smoked, always holding his cigarette away from me.

"Something else to show you," he stepped on his cigarette, catching my arm in his.

"Is it far?" I asked, shuddering. "It's fucking cold."

He stopped, placing his hands on my shoulders.


I blinked. "Where what?"

"Where is it cold?" He looked down at me, a small crease between his eyebrows.

I shook my head, "Everywhere. It's the middle of winter–"

"Where, sweetheart?"

I sighed, shifting my weight. I shrugged, "My ears are cold."

He cupped my left ear with his hand, a smile twisting into the corner of his mouth. He placed careful kisses on the edge of my earlobe, his lips warm and full. He blew softly against the red tip of my ear, then closed his palm over my ear. I leaned into his hand, closing my eyes at the comfort of his warmth.

"Better?" He asked, kissing my forehead.

"My cheeks are cold."

He grinned, placing both his hands on my cheeks. He rubbed the warmth of his palms into my skin, then pinched them softly.

"My hands," I held up my frozen fingertips. He covered my hands with his, squeezing them tightly. His hands were as cold as mine. He rubbed our hands together, trying to create some heat from the friction. I sighed, feeling some relief. He kissed each of my fingertips, watching me melt under his touch. He tucked my hands into the pockets of my coat, and pulled my hood over my head.

"Better?" He asked again. I nodded. He looped our arms together, and walked quickly beside me down the sidewalk. I could feel the echoes of his touch over my face and hands. I hurried to keep up with him.

"Nearly there," he assured me as my breathing quickened into pants, trying to match his pace. I was happy to be with him, to walk on the familiar sidewalk with him, to be surrounded by places I usually visited alone with him. The trees reached to the blue sky, needling towards the sun.

"Just here," he said, turning to walk up a driveway. The driveway was covered in snow, which collected around my ankles as we stepped up to the house.

"Um," I hesitated as he moved to walk to the backyard, "Who's house is this?"

"Just keep quiet," he winked, dragging me behind him. My heart raced like a bird's, letting him pull me into the backyard. An old, steady oak filled the lawn, crowding the porch and shadowing the house.

"This is nice," I marveled for a moment, then took a deep breath. "We should go."

"You should see it in the summer," he pointed to the tree, "The leaves are bigger than your head."

I laughed, "That's not true."

"You'll just have to wait and see." He draped an arm over my shoulders, turning me to face the house. Snow stuck to the roof in patchy sheets. The siding matched the sky, a stark baby blue.

"Who lives here?" I asked quietly.

"Nobody," he stood behind me, placing his chin on the top of my head. "Unless you'd like to move in."

"It is really nice," I sighed, "It's huge. How much are they selling it for?"

"It's not for sale."

"Oh," I leaned into him, taking a shaky breath. "Why are we here, Matty?"

He grabbed my hand, pressing something cold into my palm. I opened my hand, looking at the silver key he had placed there.

"It's for you," he murmured. "It's for us."

I covered my mouth with my hand, spinning to face him. "You bought us a house?"

He nodded quickly, his lips pressed together in a tight line.

"Without asking me?" I laughed, a tear slipping over my cheek.

"I'm sorry," he grinned, eyes glossy. "It was blue."

"I'm so mad at you," I shook my head, kissing him and giggling. "How long did you keep this a secret?"

"Not long," he held my waist, keeping me pressed tightly to him. I savored the warmth passed between us.

"I don't know what to say," I mumbled, dropping my cheek to his chest. He held the back of my neck, tracing his cold fingers along my vertebrae. He circled his fingers into my hair, sighing.

"Will you move in with me?"

I laughed, "Of course I will."

"I love you, love you, love you," he whispered into my hair, hugging me tightly. I wanted to stand here, under our oak tree, until my feet froze into the ground.

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