bonus (10.5): lassitude

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a/n: i was asked to write a first-time blurb for aches, so here it is :-) thanks for reading


"You look drunk," I giggled, pressing a thumb into his cheek. It was rough and cold, still bitten pink from the wind.

"Mm," he mumbled, then laughed, "Don't look at me that hard." One jagged edge of his tooth caught my eye, and I brushed over it with my thumb. He bit at it, leaving a shallow indent in the soft center of my thumb. I wiped his saliva on his cheek.

"But you're so pretty," I whispered, trying to stumble out of my shoes.

"Pretty?" He didn't seem ashamed of the compliment, just probing for more. He knelt down, wrapping a hand around my ankle as he slid my foot from my boot. I shivered, his palm warm on my skin.

"Like silk," I twisted one of his curls between my fingers. He hummed, pulling my foot out of my other boot. I dug my fingers into his scalp, raking through his hair.

"Don't like silk," he noted, looking up at me from his knees. I pulled a grey hair from his head.

"Ouch," I said for him, turning the silver thread between my fingers.

"What?" he blinked, unaware, "Did I hurt you?"

"Yes," I teased, and shoved his shoulders, toppling him onto his back.

"Shit," he giggled, grabbing for my wrists and tugging me down. I tumbled on top of him, elbowing his ribcage.

"Oh, shit," I sputtered, and he groaned and whined under me, cradling his torso. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, baby."

He let out a choked moan, "I'm great, I'm fine." His scrunched nose and gritted teeth gave him away.

"Where's it hurt?" I whispered, dragging my hands up and down his chest.

"Where you fuckin' elbowed me, babe," he grunted, smiling a bit.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I chanted, giggling through my slurred tongue.

"Yeah?" he said lowly, hooking a finger into the neckline of my dress, "Really sorry?"

"Mhm," I nodded, pouting and performing for him. I liked the way his tongue dragged against his bottom lip, remembering what I tasted like. He tugged harshly on my dress. My skin rose where the back of his finger brushed against my breast, my heart jumping and reaching for him.

"Come here," he whispered, tilting up his chin. He looked at me, through lashes and heavy lids, cheeks pink and lips flushed. "God, do I have to beg?"

I grinned, leaning down and laying my forearms on his chest. I touched my nose to his, smiling into the warm space between us.

"I like your place," I said, my lower lip brushing his. He sighed up into me, a crack coming from back of his throat.

"The hotel?" he said, reaching his mouth for mine. I turned my face, letting him kiss my cheek and jaw. He groaned, his hands balling into fists at my hips.

"Yeah, I like the hotel," I pushed my hands into his hair, thumbs tracing over his earlobes. His eyebrows drew together at the friction, lips parting as I dragged my nails against his scalp.

"I like the hotel," he repeated stupidly, and I giggled. I kissed his cheek, listening to him inhale through his nose deeply.

"Are you tired?" I asked, nudging his cheekbone with my nose. His hair was unbelievably tangled between my fingers, knotting in my hands. I imagined twisting it into rope, binding and tethering my hands to him.

"No, sweetheart," he wrapped his arms around my back, sitting up. I sat above him, happy on his lap, my lips to his forehead and his mouth on my chest.

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