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'Thanks for the tip princess.'

You didn't remember how long you had been standing there for in the aisle of the store.

How did he even find your blog? Were you that well known as the Chat Noir blog that he just knew what one you were? Or did your blog become so famous from what you posted yesterday?

Staring at the comment on your blog you knew it had to be him. Buried underneath hundreds of comments you saw that one, left by an unknown user using a 'guest' or a trial account.

Should you have phrased it differently? You were still pretty upset when you wrote the article maybe writing 'It’s only a matter of time Chat Noir, your pattern is showing. They're going to catch you.' As a last sentence was a bit too much.

You swallowed harshly and shoved your phone back in your pocket, forgetting the reason why you had even looked at your blog in the first place. You just wanted to get out of here and hide.

Was he mad? Was this passive aggressive?

You put the jar you've been holding in your other hand in your basket and rushed to the check out. Anything else you wanted would have to wait, you felt vulnerable, why didn't you think he’d see it?

Maybe you did and just didn't care. Why did you have to be so stupid? Over some silly childish rivalry you made yourself a target.

You flashed a nervous smile to the lady at the register and almost sprinted out the door when your items were all in their bags.

You weren't too far from home, thank goodness, and it was daylight out so there's no way he'd be out now. The streets were busy for a weekend so if anything all you had to do was keep your head down and you'd be safe.

Dodging and weaving through the crowd you kept your fast pace of a walk all the way back to your apartment. You'd just have to write for the 'Le Parisien' at home instead of the park like you wanted to.

Your bag of groceries started to hurt your arm, even switching sides seemed to be no help but you were determined to make it home. You could complain about the pain or the circulation later, you just wanted to feel safe or unwatched for the moment.

It was the same feeling you had last night on your way home that was eating at you. The back of your neck burned and you felt somewhat hot. Nervousness krept through your body once more.

You felt a brush against your shoulder and looked forward, you froze as you saw who bumped into you turn around. The look on your face must have been amusing, the man grinned at you and looked down.

Even under a night sky or the hood of a jacket, Chat Noir's teeth still shined.
"You know you should really move, I can not tell you how many guys I fought off last night just to make sure you got home safe."

You let out a small breath still trying to remain normal. He didn't look mad over anything you put in your post, this was a plus. Besides that you were still on a public street, odds are somewhat in your favor. You reached into your pocket and grabbed your phone.

You glanced down at the pathway and pretended not to see him and walk by, sending out yet another text and putting your phone away. You heard him mumble out a 'wait up'

"So you followed me home last night?" You refused to look at him and kept walking, he jogged to catch up before matching your pace.

"I had to make sure my princess got home safe, you never know who can be on these streets." You rolled your eyes and gritted your teeth in annoyance, you hated that nick name. Not only that but you were going to have to move now. Only because your neighborhood crime rate just seemed to sky rocket as of 30 seconds ago.

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