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You were jolted awake by your phone ringing, you crawled across the floor you slept on to reach your phone, answering it groggily.


"Y/n, good news we were able to work out another interview with Adrian for your article."

You rubbed your forehead as your boss spoke, fantastic, you've wasted even more time on a back up article. 

"That's great." You said trying to bite back the sarcasm.

"I know! Okay so here's the bad news, his schedule is pretty tight with him being back in the light for such a small amount of time so I can only send out one of our newer interviewers out there and I need you to join her that way you get everything you'll need for the article."

"Okay? That's fine, what part of that is the bad news, I've worked with new interviewers before."

"The bad news is that it's in about an hour and I need you to type up the questions Colette will be asking during the interview."

You stood up immediately and ran to grab decent clothes.

"In an hour? How were able to get in contact with them so fast I told you about this last night!" 

"I know his manager from a previous model we've worked with, I fixed a small problem for them with some scandalous images that were sent our way. If we want to get this article approved to be released before Chole's birthday line next month, the interview has to be now or we'll on standby until they find another gap in his schedule. I'll text you the address, it's going to be at the photoshoot that was booked for today. Colette will be there with your press badges, you can handle everything else just make sure she doesn't embarrass herself or the company during the interview." 

"Yes Ma'am." Before you could finish your sentence she hung up, you rushed to the bathroom to do your hair, it looked like an entire mess. Of course after all you didnt even dry it nor brush it. You ran a brush through it and tried to look more presentable but the dark circles around your eyes weren't doing much to help, you just hoped that the entire focus would be on the interviewer rather than you just documenting....

Oh fuck the interveiwer. You scrambled to your laptop to grab it and your portable charger, you shoved it in a laptop bag. You looked at your messages and just as she told you she had sent an address, you were just going to have to come up with some questions on the way there. Rushing to the stairs you tried your best not to fall down as you basically flew out the door, waving down a taxi you hurried to the location.

Your face felt hot and you were hoping it would stay that way for a long time, considering it was chilly outside today. You pulled up your phone and drafted just some basic questions, using some from the last interview, changing them ever so slightly in hopes of a more detailed response.

You were not excited for today at all, first off you were with a novice which means this could either go pretty okay or really horrible. On top of all that you were there because Adrian happened to be the most boring person on the planet. Yay. 

You wondered if things might've been different if you didn't procrastinate. Nah. Besides, the dead line wasn't out yet therefore, you are ahead of the game, but if you had procrastinated this guy would have crashed your career. Great now you get to be stuck with the guy that could've ruined your life. You should've just moved.

The taxi driver snapped your focus back to the present, apologizing and paying him you hopped out of the car. You saw the entire train wreck that was the photo shoot. The outside setting would make a beautiful backdrop no doubt, one of Paris's parks gives a more 'normal' person feel to the pictures, even though the person betraying normal just happens to be a famous model.

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