Prologue: The Mission

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"Madara-sama," a hesitant voice called from behind. I stopped and looked over my shoulder. It was only a mere servant.

"What?" I asked keeping an emotionless monotone. I stared at the small servant with my dull black eyes, waiting for an answer.

He dropped to one knee and bowed his head, announcing, "Your father would like to see you. He has a mission he would like to personally assign you."

I nodded and turned around completely, but before I could step in the direction of my father's office, the servant made a couple of handsigns and I was teleported into it instead. I blinked slowly as I looked around, my eyes were narrowed, frustration gnawed me. "Damn servants," I muttered darkly, glaring at the carpeted floor.

"Don't blame the boy, he only did as he was told. I wanted to get you here faster so I could get you going on this mission as soon as possible, understand?" my father informed with an edgy tone to his voice. I obviously wasn't going to push anything with him. It was quite clear he wasn't up for an argument.

It was suspicious he wanted to personally assign me a mission as well. He usually just gave his servant a scroll to give to me.

I looked at him carefully, trying to see if there was anything wrong with him. He was standing, looking out of the window, his back toward me. His shoulder length black hair spiked the same way mine did, but his had some grey woven in the mass behind him. It blocked his face from my view, so I couldn't see any emotion he held.

"Yes father," I replied faintly. It was weird being in his office. Rarely would he ever even want me around.

"Good," he murmured. He spoke up and turned slightly to me. "I have a mission I need you to go on. It's a solo mission unless you think you can't handle it alone."

I hated his teasing tone. He obviously knew I worked alone. People got in the way, even Izuna. A liquid feeling of anger burned in my core and I responded sounding a little cocky, "I can handle it."

How hard can it be? I thought to myself. It's not like he's going to send me to fight a whole war by myself or something like that. Though, it's not like I couldn't do that if I didn't want to.

I could feel the smug smile that tugged upward on his lips as he whispered, "Oh lovely." He swung his arms back behind him to they could rest there, joined at the hands behind his back.

Why so smug, old man? I thought, giving him a dark look. What exactly is this mission?

"Father," I started in my emotionless monotone, despite the anger that pounded from my gut. "what exactly is the mission?"

He hummed. "Don't trust me?"

"I never said that," I retorted, narrowing my eyes.

"It's not something I have thought through, but this is something that bothers me. There is an uprising in the Chikyu clan. I don't like it. We already have enough problems with the Senju."

"Why would the Chikyu pose a threat? They are located all the way across the fire country."

"Like I said, pay attention, there is an uprising. They are claiming more land, killing off small clans. They are expanding and no one is stopping it. That's why I am picking you to go and well, you understand now what I mean, right?"

"You want me to go in and slaughter them?"

"No," he snapped. "They are too special for me to allow that. I just want you to get close and kill their heiress. She's a girl born with a creepy and eerie talent. If that part of her gets unlocked, it will be the end of the Uchiha."

"Why would they target only the Uchiha?" I asked, trying to get him to really see if this was a threat.

"Well, we are the strongest clan around here. The Senju are strong, but not as strong, understand?"

"Yes, but, why do I have to do it?" I asked, thinking it was a good question. This wasn't meant for someone of my class.

"You already agreed to do it, so stop whining."

"I didn't know what I was agreeing to."

"You'll do it anyway."

I grinded my teeth together and shot back, "This mission is unless."

"Son, do you want to have all of the power over the fire country? What's the matter with you?"

"I do, but I don't see why we have to do it this way. It's quite reckless."

"Stop it Madara. And you're taking Izuna. He'll be your guard until you get to the clan's grounds."

I felt my anger bubble he blew pop, and I growled, "He's my little brother! No way is he guarding me. I can handle myself fine. But this mission is uncalled for."

"Fine, then you'll go alone, without one. But if you come back with an uncompleted mission, I am going to have to kill you. I can't risk it."

I felt my heart drop. What? Kill me?! Now he was just plain crazy. I thought darkly.

"Father, this isn't a job for your son or better yet, your heir. This is for the job of a trained assassin!" I hissed.

My father hummed, annoyance fueled a twang in the pitch. He snapped back, "Really? You aren't my set heir Madara. I could always pick Izuna. Don't get ahead of yourself. He's not as weak as you think he is, understand?"

Why does he keep on asking me if I understand like I'm an idiot?! I thought viciously. But instead of yelling at him, I coldly replied with venom seeping from my words, "Yes father."

"Good, now leave. Get ready. I want you gone in an hour. Remember, kill the girl, but gain their trust first, or they'll come after you as a prime suspect when they find her dead, understand?"

"Yes, father." I turned to leave, my hands clenched and ready to hit something.

"One more thing, Madara," my father spoke up before I could leave. I was only a foot away from the door. "When you get there, your name should Yameru. Don't speak anything of the Uchiha, and try to be nicer to people. You can't gain someone's trust if you're as cold as ice. You'll just drag them down, understand?"

I nodded curtly and slid back the door, stepping out and silently closing it.

Gah, he thinks so little of me it's revolting. And gain their trust? How long will that even take? Months? Weeks? Years? Eh, I'll pack for four, no, five months. It can't be that hard, anyway. I thought as I fumed to my room.

Published: Mar 17, 2013

Updated: Feb 1, 2014

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